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Picture: JPMorgan Bank Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption 1934.
Picture: JPMorgan Bank Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption 1934.
Picture: JPMorgan Bank Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption 1934.
Deep inside the Pandora's Suitcase disclosures are thought to be the various texts of the JPMorgan Bank Blue Book (The Secret Book of Redemption 1934, and its subsequent editions). Some images of the 1934 edition of this book are pictured above.
The top of the first recto page reads as follows: "The Department of Finance, Acting on the Instructions of the SUMMARY REGULATIONS. By Authority of an Act of the JP MORGAN BANK AND COMPANY. Legislature approved by the Secretary of the Treasury."
The JPMorgan Blue Book is said to be the covert world authority text which establishes the human bloodlines to which the entire wealth of the planet ultimately belongs. Some of these self-appointed bloodlines are of "royal" origin; many are not.
Family names which feature prominently in the text are understood to include: Rothschild (Bauer or Bower), Bruce, Cavendish (Kennedy), De Medici, Hanover, Hapsburg (Habsburg), Krupp, Plantagenet, Rockefeller, Romanov, Sinclair (St Clair), Warburg (del Banco) and Windsor (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha).
These élite and exclusive reptilian bloodlines (the "Illuminati" dynasties) have run the hidden finances and slave-systems of the planet for many millennia, way back into what their mainstream controlled historians call "pre-history." Notice the absence of Asian names on the list.
Very little is available (yet) on searchable open-access websites about the JPMorgan Blue Book. The pictures of the 1934 edition above were released by Neil Keenan in an email to Drake Bailey on Saturday 18th August 2012 (text here).
In that email, Keenan notes: "Blue Book established the blood lines. Queen E and Bill C are in it…Most of the Royal Families are in it. They have kept the money amongst the families from the very beginning."
For chronological reasons, the particular 1934 edition of the JPMorgan Blue Book, which Neil Keenan provides images of, cannot explicitly name Queen Elizabeth II of England (Elizabeth Windsor) or US President Bill Clinton. In 1934, Elizabeth Windsor was only eight years old, and the 1936 Edward Windsor / Wallis Simpson abdication crisis had not yet occurred. So, at that stage, Elizabeth Windsor's route to the English throne was far from clear, although her German (Nazi) bloodline was well-established through the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha lineage. And in 1934, Bill Clinton was not born. It must be supposed that both these individuals feature in more recent editions of the JPMorgan Blue Book.
People sometimes ask who Neil Keenan is. Keenan is a 61-year-old American White Hat and patriot working with the Monaco Colloquium group of 150 nations (including the BRICS and the Non Aligned Movement), the Asian Dragon Family, the Swiss Financial Authorities and the estate of President Sukarno of Indonesia. He is assisting them to remove the private Western G5 banking cartel and to change the global financial system from its current, Illuminati-driven, debt-based fiat paper carousel to a more benign, gold-backed currency system which gives fair play to all persons and nations regardless of bloodline.
Neil Francis Keenan was born in Rhode Island, USA, on the 10th September 1951, and is the bearer of Ireland passport No 4066301. An indication of his cabal-perceived importance and effectiveness came at the end of August 2012. An Italian wet team working for the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi tried to assassinate Neil Keenan at his home in Bulgaria. Among other things, a virus bioweapon was deployed. Keenan and his family survived, but they were hospitalised for several days with a lung infection.
The JP Morgan Bank Blue Book also calls itself "The Secret Book of Redemption." The word "redemption" here has several layers of meaning, some of which are occult. But in the trade vernacular of banking and business, redemption means the repayment of a debt, the purchasing back of something which has been previously sold (or lost), the recovery of something pawned or mortgaged, or the payment of an obligation - as in a sovereign government's payment of the value of its bonds. In 1934, a series of bonds was issued by the JP Morgan Bank. In recent decades, the claimed method of redemption of these bonds has been obfuscated.
The JPMorgan Bank Blue Book is called The Secret Book of Redemption because it details the hidden machinations whereby global debt management can be manipulated to benefit the élite banking bloodlines and disadvantage the goyim (the sheeple).
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