
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

What is the population of the universe?

Posted by Unknown at 10:21 AM
Alcuin: What is the total population of the universe, Flutterby?
Flutterby: Which universe?
Alcuin: This universe. Our universe.
Flutterby: Your local universe, you mean?
Alcuin: Yes. No. No. All the universes together. And all the parallel and alternative universes. The whole bangshoot. The multiverse. The cosmos. Whatever you want to call it. What is the total population of the cosmos?
Flutterby: The total population including all human beings of all ages and origins on all planets and star systems?
Alcuin: Yes.
Flutterby: Including all animal people on all planets and star systems?
Alcuin: Including all animals, yes.
Flutterby: Including all plants on all planets and star systems?
Alcuin: Yes, including all plants, fungi, protists and monerans everywhere. What is the total population of the cosmos?
Flutterby: Including all sentient life forms, Alcuin, whether physical or non-physical?
Alcuin: Yes, the lot. All sentient life forms, physical, non-physical, trans-dimensional, non-dimensional, angels, light-beings, spirits, the whole lot. How many of them are there altogether?
Flutterby: Including sentient life forms of any size, Alcuin?
Alcuin: Yes.
Flutterby: From intelligent beings who work at the sub-nuclear level right up to the supra-galactic creative energy forms?
Alcuin: Yes. All sub-nanotech quark beings, all creators and all major logoi and deities. What is the total population of the cosmos?
Flutterby: Including slime moulds?
Alcuin: Yes, including slime moulds and fundamentalists.
Flutterby: And liberals?
Alcuin: Yes, including all liberals, progressives, esotericists, gurus, bat-heads, fly-mos, fruitcakes, priests and churchbores. The lot. The whole caboodle. Come on, Flutterby, throw a hat at a peg. How many? What is the total population of the cosmos?
Flutterby: The total population of the cosmos is One.
Alcuin: Really?

Flutterby: Yes. The total population of the cosmos is One, because there is nothing outside God.


The scale of the universe
Some analogies to aid understanding - from



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