
Saturday, April 8, 2006

Photographed light blessings from Jesus

Posted by Unknown at 7:56 AM
Page update: 09.05.10

In recent years, curious anomalies have been appearing on photographs all over the world. Share International Magazine has reported that many of these were caused by Jesus. He happened to be sending a light-energy blessing to certain individuals at the moment a photograph was being taken of them or by them.

In each case the light blessing was not seen by the photographer until the picture was processed. A column or swirl of light was discovered on the image after development. It is claimed that these streaks of light are not caused by film or camera faults, or by accidents in the developing process. They are only seen on the exposure in question, not on the whole film, or on adjacent digital exposures.

Listed below are links to forty eight examples of the images Share International has published. Some of these relate to light blessings received by human beings such as here, here, here, here and here. Others seem to be blessings given at landscape power-points or sacred sites while people watched, such as here and here.

Photographic image of a blessing from the Master Jesus taken in August 2002 in Roeselare (Belgium) showing N.P. with her grandson S.
(Share International Magazine July 2007)

Photographic image of a blessing from the Master Jesus taken by B.D. from Gorey (Ireland) on the 7th April 2007 at her grandniece’s christening.
(Share International Magazine June 2007)

Photographic image of a blessing from the Master Jesus taken by J.C. from Miltoen Malbay (Ireland) while her granddaughter Aoibheann (aged 4 months) was being bathed by her mother.
(Share International Magazine June 2007)

Photographic image of a blessing from the Master Jesus taken by R.v.d.P. (from Holland) at Amsterdam Zoo. At the moment the picture was taken of a group of owls, the photographer had in mind the birds' history as ancient symbols of wisdom.
(Share International Magazine June 2007)

Photographic image of a blessing from the Master Jesus taken in November 2003 on the birthday of K.A.’s daughter in Solothurn (Switzerland). The object behind the light blessing is a burning wooden log.
(Share International Magazine June 2007)

Photographic image of a blessing from the Master Jesus taken on the 4th December 2002 at the home of J.v.d.B’s parents in Utrecht (Netherlands), on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. The energy of the blessing shows as a column of light at the right-hand edge of the picture.
(Share International Magazine May 2007)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of the Arc de Triomphe taken in Paris (France) in 1994.
(Share International Magazine April 2007)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph taken in April 2006 at Chiba-ken, Shirai-Shi (Japan) at the wake of a brother-in-law of Mutsumi Ueda.
(Share International Magazine January/February 2007)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on one of seven photographs of Christmas presents being opened in 2002, submitted by SA of Elk, California, USA.
(Share International Magazine December 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of BE’s dog, North Carolina, USA.
(Share International Magazine December 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of HN’s daughter on the day of her Coming of Age ceremony in Kurashiki, Japan, January 2003.
(Share International Magazine December 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph taken in the French Alps by FE of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. (Share International Magazine December 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of HH, two children and a dog, in Ameland Island, Holland, taken in June 2006.
(Share International Magazine November 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus in a woodland garden in Saga-Pref, Kyunen Iori, Japan, taken by MH in 2002.
(Share International Magazine November 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of patterns of light on a building in London (UK), taken by JG in 2005.
(Share International Magazine November 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of the Lago de Piedluco, Terni, Italy, taken by AMcL of County Wexford, Ireland.
(Share International Magazine November 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on photographs of Milan Cathedral, Italy, taken during a honeymoon trip by T of Hiroshima, Japan.
(Share International Magazine November 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus at a children's play park in Yokohama, Japan.
(Share International Magazine July/August 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of a wedding party in Yokohama, Japan, in 1993.
(Share International Magazine July/August 2006)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus at an adult social event.
(Share International Magazine July/August 2006)

Image of a light blessing manifested by the Master Jesus while a child plays in the garden.
(Share International Magazine July/August 2006)

Image of a light blessing from the Master Jesus on a photo of the preparations for a Pooja in Sri Lanka.
(Share International Magazine July/August 2006)

Image of a light blessing from the Master Jesus while a guitar is being played.
(Share International Magazine July/August 2006)

Image of a light blessing from the Master Jesus as a child opens his presents at Christmas 1982.
(Share International Magazine July/August 2006)

Image of an orb of light manifested by the Master Jesus next to a woodland grave cross.
(Share International Magazine June 2006)

Photograph taken in the USA in August 2004
Image shows PH, the day after his birthday with a rainbow-coloured blessing from the Master Jesus. The photographer was his aunt, CO, from Dallas, Texas, USA. (Share International Magazine May 2006)

Photograph taken at Machu Picchu, Peru, in 1990
(Share International Magazine May 2006)

Photograph taken in Japan in April 2005
Light blessing from the Master Jesus on cherry blossom. Photographed by YI, Japan. (Share International Magazine May 2006)

Photograph taken in Nazareth, Israel in December 1992
Light blessing from the Master Jesus photographed in the Basilica of the Annunciation Chapel by HL, from Spain. (Share International Magazine May 2006)

Image of a light blessing being received from Jesus by a child in Japan
(Share International Magazine April 2006)

Light blessing from the Master Jesus
(Share International Magazine April 2006)

Light blessing from the Master Jesus
on a photograph of a student theatre production in Edinburgh, Scotland.
(Share International Magazine January/February 2006)

Image of a light blessing from the Master Jesus on a party photograph taken in Tokyo, Japan, in April 2005.
(Share International Magazine January/February 2006)

Image of a light blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph taken at a rock concert
(Share International Magazine December 2005)

Light blessing from the Master Jesus
on a photograph taken at Universal Studio, Japan, in August 2002.
(Share International Magazine November 2005)

Photograph taken during the baptism of Liliane Alix's son Brieuc
in Marseille, France, on Easter Day, 2002. The light blessing is from the Master Jesus.
(Share International Magazine November 2005)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of four women in Chigasaki City, Japan, submitted by SK.
(Share International Magazine October 2005)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of a mother and child in Hokkaido, Japan, submitted by KT.
(Share International Magazine September 2005)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of three people looking at cherry blossom in April 2005, submitted by YI.
(Share International Magazine September 2005)

Photograph taken in Tokyo, Japan
in April 2005, showing a light blessing from the Master Jesus in the immediate vicinity of a man and a woman out socialising. (Share International Magazine July/August 2005)

Photograph taken at Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey
in November 2000, showing a light blessing from the Master Jesus.
(Share International Magazine July/August 2005)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of two women taken in a San Francisco hotel (California, USA) in November 2000.
(Share International Magazine June 2005)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of a woman at home in America in 1966, submitted by her sister in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
(Share International Magazine June 2005)

Rose-coloured light blessing from the Master Jesus
on a photograph of a schoolteacher visiting the Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy, during a 2001 school trip.
(Share International Magazine May 2005)

Column of light manifested by the Master Jesus
on photographs in Enniscorthy, Ireland, at a wedding.
(Share International Magazine April 2005)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of a dancing class on the 5th December 1984.
(Share International Magazine March 2005)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of two men taken in 2002.
(Share International Magazine January/February 2005)

Image of a blessing from the Master Jesus on a photograph of a woman taken at the Memorial Hospital, Colorado Springs, USA.
(Share International Magazine January/February 2005)

Share International’s picture links page can be found here

Biographical note: The Ascended Master commonly known in the West as Jesus is also known on the spiritual planes (the inner planes) as Sananda. In his Palestinian incarnation (24BC – 9AD) he was known locally as Joshua Ben Pandira. He was an active Essene mystic in a progressive Jewish tradition of the time. Modern Western culture refers to him as Jesus of Nazareth. In 16AD he took another physical incarnation known to history as Apollonius of Tyana. A few centuries later, working from the spiritual planes, he gave the Prophet Muhammad the original text of The Holy Qur'an and taught the Prophet during his night journeys to the Holy Land. On the 13th April 1952, speaking to a meditation group in Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA), Jesus said: "And soon will come the time when the light which I pour forth to individuals in response to their calls to me can be easily photographed, even by that mechanical perfection to which you have attained thus far."


The Share International revelations

Strange news; strange times


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