
Monday, May 21, 2012

The Share International revelations

Posted by Unknown at 5:01 PM
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The Share International site is perhaps the most reliable and influential outlet for high-status spiritual information available on the web at the present time.

As such, it is a leading resource informing the New Spirituality generally, and New Age Christianity in particular.

The Editor-in-Chief of the site is Benjamin Creme
, arguably the best connected of the UK-based New Age spiritual teachers currently teaching openly in the West.

In recent years a number of significant new revelations have been given to the Share International editorial team. These have included specific information about:

The Second Coming of Christ. This is said to have happened on 19th July 1977
. An explanation is offered for how this event fits in with church prophecies.

The identity of Christ
as Maitreya, The World Teacher.

The fact that Christ is not a religious figure
and does not want followers or worshippers.

The identity of the Antichrist

The fact that Christ and Jesus are two separate and different people.

The fact that Maitreya (Christ) and Jesus had a close working relationship 2000 years ago at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, and are working closely together again today at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius

The existence of a number of contemporary messages
and a New Age prayer given by Christ in the last 25 years.

The fact that the Buddha is the brother of Christ (Maitreya)

The fact that Christ will stay with us here in physical incarnation for the whole of the Age of Aquarius – a period of 2350 years

The fact that Christ's teachings and Krishnamurti's teachings are, in an important sense, one and the same thing

The fact that the discoveries, in 1945, of the Nag Hammadi scrolls, and in 1947, of the Dead Sea Scrolls were initiated by Jesus
. Since then, Benjamin Creme has been advised that the spiritual leader in the scrolls, the "Teacher of Righteousness", is Maitreya (Christ), and the "Pierced Messiah" is Jesus.

The fact that Christ has been involved in manifesting agriglyphs (crop circles) in England and elsewhere

The fact that the history of mankind is much older than is generally accepted. Our history as a species on this planet goes back 18 or 19 million years

The fact that the ex-president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, died in March 2003, and that the individual held by the Americans under that name in subsequent years was a politically expedient brainwashed lookalike, set up for a show trial and media execution on the 30th December 2006. Benjamin Creme sent a press release about Saddam's death to media and government authorities on 8 April 2003. More details here

The fact that Christ had been working closely with, and protecting, the late Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat

The people behind Share International run other websites, prominent among which are The Miracles Page
and The


Gustav Niebuhr's interview with Benjamin Creme
New York Times (USA) - 20.07.96


Life The Goal
An essay by Jiddhu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)


Photographed light blessings from Jesus

Jesus recounts a dream he had about George Bush

Strange news; strange times

Metaphysical glossaries

Gospel for the New Age

An Invocation for the New Age

Index of blog contents

Spirituality websites worth watching


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