
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis?

Posted by Unknown at 5:07 PM
Thousands of quadrillions of hidden monies revealed to be held in multiple off-ledger black screen accounts
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Picture: Books will be opened. Jean Delville. Madame Stuart Merrill.

Picture: Binyamin Shalom Bernanke - Banking System cartoon
The Committee of 300's
shadow government banking
scam has its royal knickers
ripped off.

How rich is White Spiritual Boy
now, Your Majesty?Picture: HSBC - White Spiritual Boy shadow a/c - 1030 quadrillion US Dollars

The official audited text above is part of paragraph 132 on page 18 (here) of a Committee of 300 élite Secret Government document signed on Wednesday 10th February 2010 on page 106 (here). Page 19 of this same document can be viewed here.

The three signatories on the document are H.E. President Robert Zoellick (President of The World Bank), H.E. Vice President Lars Thunell (Executive Vice President and CEO of the International Finance Corporation) and HM Queen Alexandra Elizabeth Mary Windsor II (Chairman of The Committee of 300, The British Royal Family).

The full text of Paragraph 132 flagged in the yellow panel above reads as follows: "The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (London, UK and Hong Kong, PROC) Account no. 0567105267802012 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances per account worth US$ 1,030,000,000,000,000,000 with reconfirmed and reconsidered matured earnings audited by the Financial Institution of the Committee of 300 for the month of January to April 2010 worth of US$ 434,000,000,000,000,000 in the total of US$ 1,464,000,000,000,000,000 (US$ 464,000,000,000,000 had deducted automatically for bank charges and services for the first quarter of audit maturity) in the net balances of US$ 1,000,000,000,000,000,000."

The five sums of money detailed in this single auditing rubric can be expressed as one thousand and thirty quadrillion US Dollars, four hundred and thirty four quadrillion US Dollars, one thousand four hundred and sixty four quadrillion US Dollars, four hundred and sixty four trillion US Dollars, and one thousand quadrillion US Dollars.

The sum of money deducted automatically by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) from this single White Spiritual Boy account for bank charges and services for one quarter of the year 2010 was four hundred and sixty four trillion US Dollars. This compares with the total publicly acknowledged Global Gross Domestic Product of about seventy eight trillion US Dollars per year. Of this $78 trillion sum, the European Union accounts for about $16 trillion, the US $15 trillion, and China $11 trillion of the global total.

The sum deducted by HSBC for bank charges and services in one quarter of 2010 from the single White Spiritual Boy account cited above, was more than five and a half times greater than the publicly stated Global Gross Domestic Product. (464 trillion divided by 78 trillion = 464 divided by 78 = 5.9). We invite comment and analysis.

The Committee of 300's shadow government world banking system, conducted across mainstream-media-invisible black and grey screens, is composed of thousands of such accounts, many of them named "White Spiritual Boy". The lead signatory for each of these accounts is Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England - HM Queen Alexandra Elizabeth Mary Windsor II).

Referring to the three document images linked above (this, this and this), the Japan-based financial journalist and White Dragon Society spokesman, Benjamin Fulford, commented on Saturday 14th January 2012: "Many people involved at the high end of the financial system and members of the committee of 300 are telling me the documents I posted with Queen Elizabeth's signature on them are forgeries by Wilfredo Sauren. Other sources also involved at a high level tell me they are genuine. I do not know, but even if they are forgeries, forgeries are usually copies of something real. Even if they are fake, there is still a huge gap between the amount of money that supposedly exists in the off-ledger financial system and the amount that is on the books. That means a lot of zeros will have to be erased before the off-ledger and on-ledger financial systems can be reconciled and reconnected with the real world." Source here (14.01.12).

AB comments: (1) Elsewhere, Benjamin Fulford has explained that Wilfredo Sauren was a forger who used to work with the CIA. He made a lot of money cashing-in skilfully faked bonds and other high-status financial documentation.

(2) This is incidental, but the codename "White Spiritual Boy" for the shadow government's major off-ledger black screen accounts is suggestive. White Spiritual Boy = WSB = Wall Street Bankers. And in Washington, a hitherto invisible Spiritual Wonder Boy account, privately audited by The Committee of 300 in December 2008, reads as follows in the audit document:

"1. Special Federal Reserve Board Account no. 5525525424AM with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ 2, 178, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 reconfirmed and reconsidered matured audit dated December 1, 2008 that guaranteed and reconfirmed earned worth of US$ 410, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 from the month of October up to this month in the total of US$ 2, 588, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000."

In plain language, in 2008, the US Federal Reserve Board had an invisible account on its off-ledger books holding 2,588 trillion trillion trillion quadrillion US Dollars. That is 2588 followed by fifty one noughts.

Spiritual Wonder Boy = SWB = Secret World Banking.

Raw data: For ease of reference, 142 pages (158,000 words) of raw data about the White Spiritual Boy off-ledger black screen accounts have been compiled on a separate blog page here (12.01.12). Included on that page are bank names, account names, account numbers and balances for the following shadow government conduits: White Spiritual Boy accounts, Spiritual Wonder Boy accounts, Spiritual Ally accounts, Spiritual Allied Forces accounts, Morning Star accounts, Spiritual Maria Cristina accounts, Unknown Man accounts, Falcon 1 to Falcon 21 accounts, Croplands account, Walnut account, and Peter Stone Account.

Question: If such huge sums of money are available to the élite banking bloodlines, why is crippling financial austerity being imposed by national governments on their populations?

And why are the elected politicians in the Western democracies keeping their electorates in the dark about these vast hidden riches, while, at the same time, they are raising taxes and cutting public expenditure on services and infrastructure?

The enquiry must be made: Is there really a global banking crisis at all? Or is the "financial crisis" just a set-up media event to provide cover for massive élite theft?

More related, and developing, geopolitical background can be found here (24.12.12.), here (23.12.12), here (17.12.12), here (11.12.12), here (04.12.12), here (03.12.12), here (28.11.12), here (26.11.12), here (26.11.12), here (20.11.12), here (19.11.12), here (12.11.12), here (07.11.12), here (29.10.12), here (29.10.12), here (28.10.12), here (25.10.12), here (22.10.12), here (21.10.12), here (15.10.12), here (08.10.12), here (01.10.12), here (30.09.12), here (29.09.12), here (24.09.12), here (18.09.12), here (14.09.12), here (14.09.12), here (11.09.12), here (09.09.12), here (04.09.12), here (03.09.12), here (28.08.12), here (25.08.12), here (21.08.12), here (19.08.12), here (16.08.12), here (13.08.12), here (06.08.12), here (06.08.12), here (31.07.12), here (18.07.12), here (17.07.12), here (16.07.12), here (10.07.12), here (03.07.12), here (25.06.12), here (24.06.12), here (18.06.12), here (11.06.12), here (06.06.12), here (06.06.12), here (05.06.12), here (02.06.12), here (01.06.12), here (30.05.12), here (29.05.12), here (28.05.12), here (23.05,12), here (23.05.12), here (22.05.12), here (14.05.12), here (14.05.12), here (13.05.12), here (12.05.12), here (08.05.12), here (08.05.12), here (07.05.12), here (05.05.12), here (01.05.12), here (27.04.12), here (27.04.12), here (23.04.12), here (16.04.12), here (12.04.12), here (12.04.12), here (10.04.12), here (09.04.12), here (03.04.12), here (31.03.12), here (27.03.12), here (27.03.12), here (27.03.12), here (26.03.12), here (22.03.12), here (21.03.12), here (21.03.12), here (20.03.12), here (17.03.12), here (13.03.12), here (07.03.12), here (05.03.12), here (29.02.12), here (27.02.12), here (27.02.12), here (27.02.12), here (21.02.12), here (20.02.12), here (16.02.12), here (13.02.12), here (12.02.12), here (07.02.12), here (05.02.12), here (04.02.12), here (31.01.12), here (27.01.12), here (26.01.12), here (26.01.12), here (26.01.12), here (23.01.12), here (19.01.12), here (18.01.12), here (17.01.12), here (09.01.12), here (09.01.12), here (08.01.12), here (05.01.12 - sourced from a bilingual Japanese/English presentation here on 25.12.11), here (02.01.12) and here (29.12.11). And there is more about The Committee of 300 here and here.

Picture: Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis?

The White Spiritual Boy off-ledger black screen accounts - raw data

The JP Morgan Blue Book. The Secret Book of Redemption.

The Fall of the Pentagram Five. Illuminati illusion dissolves in disarray.

Corporate evil, artificial intelligence and cyberform spirituality. What is going on inside our computer networks?

The World Global Settlement Funds

Universal debt forgiveness and the imminent global debt jubilee

The Monaco Colloquium - August 2011

The NESARA announcements - expected in 2012

2012 Agenda for Disclosure - The opening of Pandora's Suitcase

Dark Pool Gold. That which glisters returns to haunt the Fed.

Index of blog contents


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