The Washington DC criminal overclass is called to account on multiple charges of Treason
Page update: 11.07.08
The legal resurrection of the Republic of the United States of America and its Constitution began visibly on Monday 9th June 2008 on the floor of the United States House of Representatives. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Democrat - Ohio) introduced a resolution detailing thirty five Articles of Impeachment against the 43rd President of the United States of America, George Walker Bush. Kucinich was supported by a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Robert Wexler (Democrat - Florida).
In a formal and carefully structured resolution, President George Bush Jnr was openly accused of: Creating a secret propaganda campaign to manufacture a false case for war against Iraq (Article 1); Falsely, systematically, and with criminal intent conflating the attacks of September 11, 2001, with misrepresentation of Iraq as a security threat, as part of a fraudulent justification for a war of aggression (Article 2); Misleading the American people and members of Congress to believe that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, to manufacture a false case for war (Article 3); Misleading the American people and members of Congress to believe that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States (Article 4); Illegally misspending funds to secretly begin a war of aggression (Article 5); Invading Iraq in violation of the requirements of HJRes114 (Article 6); Invading Iraq without a Congressional Declaration of War (Article 7); Invading Iraq, a sovereign nation, in violation of the UN Charter (Article 8); Failing to provide troops with body armor and vehicle armor (Article 9); Falsifying accounts of US troop deaths and injuries for political purposes (Article 10); Establishing permanent US military bases in Iraq (Article 11); Initiating a war against Iraq for control of that nation's natural resources (Article 12); Creating a secret task force to develop energy and military policies with respect to Iraq and other countries (Article 13); Misprision of a Felony, misusing and exposing classified information and obstructing justice in the matter of Valerie Plame Wilson, clandestine agent of the Central Intelligence Agency (Article 14); Providing immunity from prosecution for criminal contractors in Iraq (Article 15); Reckless misspending and waste of US tax dollars in connection with Iraq and US contractors (Article 16); Illegal detention - detaining indefinitely and without charge both US citizens and foreign captives (Article 17); Torture - secretly authorizing, and encouraging the use of torture against captives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places, as a matter of official policy (Article 18); Rendition - kidnapping people and taking them against their will to 'black sites' located in other nations, including nations known to practice torture (Article 19); Imprisoning children (Article 20); Misleading Congress and the American people about threats from Iran, and supporting terrorist organizations within Iran, with the goal of overthrowing the Iranian government (Article 21); Creating secret laws (Article 22); Violation of the Posse Comitatus Act (Article 23); Spying on American citizens, without a court-ordered warrant, in violation of the law and the Fourth Amendment (Article 24); Directing telecommunications companies to create an illegal and unconstitutional database of the private telephone numbers and emails of American citizens (Article 25); Announcing the intent to violate laws with signing statements (Article 26); Failing to comply with Congressional subpoenas and instructing former employees not to comply (Article 27); Tampering with free and fair elections, corruption of the administration of justice (Article 28); Conspiracy to violate the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Article 29); Misleading Congress and the American people in an attempt to destroy Medicare (Article 30); Katrina - failing to plan for the predicted disaster of Hurricane Katrina, failing to respond to a civil emergency (Article 31); Misleading Congress and the American people, systematically undermining efforts to address global climate change (Article 32); Repeatedly ignoring and failing to respond to high level intelligence warnings of planned terrorist attacks in the US, prior to 911 (Article 33); Obstructing the investigation into the attacks of September 11, 2001 (Article 34); Endangering the health of 911 first responders (Article 35).
The full Kucinich impeachment text can be found here, or in pdf format here, here and here. This document cites extensive collateral sources for each of the thirty five Articles of Impeachment. Two YouTube videos of Dennis Kucinich delivering his impeachment resolution on the floor of the House of Representatives can be seen here (from Brasscheck TV - 10.06.08). And there is Keith Olbermann's Countdown report on the Kucinich Articles of Impeachment here (from MSNBC 10.06.08 - YouTube video (8 mins).
In the second week of June 2008, the Bush White House strenuously suppressed any informed reporting of the House of Representatives impeachment session in the American mainstream media. Recently, agents of the US Executive Branch covertly paid CNN $2.0 billion not to report certain news. Quite how these monies will be represented in CNN's accounts, or in the individual private accounts of CNN's board and executive members, is not yet clear. Similar large coercive payments are being made, on an ongoing basis, by agents of the US Executive Branch, to other major media outlets and to the people who control their editorial policies. Source of funds documentation is being sought in relation to these payments.
On Monday 9th June 2008, just hours after Dennis Kucinich had delivered his thirty five Articles of Impeachment to Congress, his website was taken down by pro-Bush intelligence operatives attempting to restrict distribution of the text.
On Wednesday 11th June 2008, Dennis Kucinich told Al Jazeera (here) that the impeachment attempt was not just about the past, but also about the future. "If we do not establish that the rule of law must apply to the President of the US now, what we are doing is through our inaction creating a precedent that would let the next President know that he could go ahead and wage war without Congressional approval. That he could approve of wiretapping, rendition, spying, torture or anything because Congress wouldn't act. We need to take a stand now not just for justice, for what's happened over the last six, seven years but also to restrain any abuse of power in the next administration."
On Friday 13th June 2008, Dennis Kucinich did a wide-ranging 25-minute interview on the Alex Jones programme (Austin, Texas). There is a three-part YouTube video of this interview here (Part 1), here (Part 2) and here (Part 3).
We have addressed some other aspects of the legal decadence of the US Executive Branch and the political disintegration of the Bush White House elsewhere in this blog here, here and here.
Kucinich Introduces Articles of Impeachment; Website Suspiciously Attacked
Cleveland Leader (10.06.08)
Wexler to Cosponsor Bush Impeachment
A senior member of the House Judiciary Committee supports the Kucinich impeachment initiative (10.06.08)
Wexler attacked for impeachment support
Congressman Robert Wexler (Democrat - Florida) responds to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel (12.06.08)
Kucinich vows to reintroduce Impeachment Articles if Democrats let them die in committee
Background comments from the website
Citing the Iraq War, Attorney Vincent Bugliosi seeks the prosecution of George Bush for Murder
Talking to the Democracy Now website, Bugliosi sets out the legal architecture against George Bush Jnr, the overwhelming evidence of his guilt, and the jurisdiction under which he can be successfully prosecuted for murder in the American courts (13.06.08).
The crucifixion of Chief Justice John Glover Roberts
The Decapitation of Darkside America
Bush White House begins to disintegrate
The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton
Criminal collapse of Citibank and Morgan Stanley
Halliburton death-rattle in DC
Index of blog contents
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Sunday, June 15, 2008
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