Jaded post-evangelicals celebrate the end of religion
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Picture: Greenbelt Festival. The view from the Death Star.
The upliftment continues at Greenbelt
Not often discussed at Greenbelt
Greenbelt anti-pilgrimage
Disappointed at Greenbelt
AB note: The Greenbelt Festival takes place over four days each August Bank Holiday in the UK. In recent years it has been held in the west of England, at the Cheltenham National Hunt racecourse in Gloucestershire. It bills itself as an "arts, faith and justice festival" and has been running since 1974. The official Greenbelt Festival website can be found here.
Picture: What caused the death of religion?
Why is church so serious?
Jesus recounts a dream he had about George Bush
Photographed light blessings from Jesus
A new scripture shortly to be published
Traditional Norfolk koans
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