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Picture: Julian Assange Wikileaks Balcony Ecuador Embassy London 19.08.12
BBC Video here (9 mins - 19.08.12). Russia Today coverage here (19.08.12) with good pictures.
The full transcript of Julian Assange's 19th August 2012 speech, amended as delivered from the balcony of the Ecuador Embassy in London, follows here:
"I am here today because I cannot be there with you today.
But thank you for coming .... thank you for your resolve, your generosity of spirit.
On Wednesday night, after a threat was sent to this embassy, and police descended on this building, you came out in the middle of the night to watch over it, and you brought the world's eyes with you.
Inside this embassy after dark, I could hear teams of police swarming up into the building through its internal fire escape. But I knew there would be witnesses.
And that is because of you.
If the UK did not throw away the Vienna conventions the other night, it is because the world was watching.
And the world was watching because you were watching.
So the next time somebody tells you that it is pointless to defend those rights that we hold dear, remind them of your vigil in the dark before the Embassy of Ecuador. Remind them how in the morning the sun came up on a different world and a courageous Latin American nation took a stand for justice.
And so to those brave people I thank President Correa for the courage he has shown in considering and in granting me political asylum.
And I also thank the government and, in particular Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino, who upheld the Ecuadorian constitution and its notion of universal citizenship in their consideration of my asylum.
And to the Ecuadorian people for supporting and defending this constitution. And I also have a debt of gratitude to the staff of this embassy whose families live in London and who have shown me hospitality and kindness despite the threats we all received.
This Friday (24th August 2012) there will be an emergency meeting of the foreign ministers of Latin America in Washington DC to address this very situation. And so I am grateful to those people and governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela and to all other Latin American countries who have come out to defend the right to asylum.
And to the people of the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Australia who have supported me in strength even when their governments have not, and to those wiser heads in government who are still fighting for justice: your day will come.
To the staff, supporters and sources of Wikileaks whose courage and commitment and loyalty has seen no equal.
To my family and to my children who have been denied their father - forgive me, we will be reunited soon.
As Wikileaks stands under threat, so does the freedom of expression and the health of all our societies. We must use this moment to articulate the choice that is before the government of the United States of America.
Will it return to and reaffirm the (Constitutional) values - the revolutionary values - it was founded on? Or will it lurch off the precipice dragging us all into a dangerous and oppressive world in which journalists fall silent under the fear of prosecution and citizens must whisper in the dark?
I say that it must turn back. I ask President Obama to do the right thing. The United States must renounce its witch-hunt against Wikileaks.
The United States must dissolve its FBI investigation.
The United States must vow that it will not seek to prosecute our staff or our supporters.
The United States must pledge before the world that it will not pursue journalists for shining a light on the secret crimes of the powerful.
There must be no more foolish talk about prosecuting any media organisation, be it Wikileaks or be it the New York Times.
The US administration's war on whistleblowers must end.
Thomas Drake, William Binney, John Kiriakou and other heroic (US) whistleblowers must - they must - be pardoned or compensated for the hardships they have endured as servants of the public record.
And to the Army Private who remains in a military prison in Fort Levenworth, Kansas, who was found by the United Nations to have endured months of torturous detention in Quantico, Virginia, and who has yet, after two years in prison, to see a trial, he must be released.
Bradley Manning must be released.
If Bradley Manning did as he is accused, he is a hero and an example to all of us and one of the world's foremost political prisoners.
Bradley Manning must be released.
On Wednesday (15th August 2012) Bradley Manning spent his 815th day of detention without trial. The legal maximum is 120 days.
On Thursday (16th August 2012) my friend, Nabeel Rajah, President of the Bahrain Human Rights Centre, was sentenced to three years in prison for a Tweet. On Friday (18th August 2012) a Russian band (Pussy Riot) were sentenced to two years in jail for a political performance.
There is unity in the oppression. There must be absolute unity and determination in the response. Thank you."
Follow-up reportage and commentary here (20.08.12), here (20.08.12), here (20.08.12) here (20.08.12) and here (19.08.12).
Picture: UK diplomatic power decisive in Assange Ecuador case (After Nicebleed)
Picture: Julian Assange Ecuador political asylum PigSociety UK v South America.
More Julian Assange Ecuador political asylum pictures can be found here.
Declaration of the Government of the Republic of Ecuador on the asylum application of Julian AssangeThursday 16th August 2012 - London (UK) - clunky translation of the official Spanish text linked above.
On 19 June 2012, the Australian national citizen Julian Assange, appeared in the local Embassy of Ecuador in London, to request diplomatic protection of the Ecuadorian State to benefit from the existing rules on Diplomatic Asylum. The applicant has based its request on the fear that it causes the eventual political persecution that could result in a third country, it could use his extradition to the Kingdom of Sweden for turn further extradition to that country.
The Government of Ecuador, true to the asylum procedure, and attach the utmost seriousness in this case, has reviewed and evaluated all aspects involved in it, particularly the arguments presented by Mr. Assange to support the fear he feels in a situation that this person perceives as a threat to life, personal safety and freedom.
It is important to note that Mr. Assange has made the decision to apply for asylum and protection in Ecuador over allegations that it says, have been made by alleged "espionage and treason", which exposes the citizen who inspires fear the possibility of being handed over to the authorities of the United States of America by the British, Swedish and Australian, for this is a country, said Mr Assange, who chases him through the declassification of information embarrassing to the U.S. government. Is also the applicant, "is being persecuted in various countries, which derives not only from their ideas and their actions, but their work to publish information that engages the powerful, to publish the truth and, with Thus, exposing corruption and severe human rights abuses of citizens around the world. "
Therefore, for the applicant, the imputation of political offenses is the foundation of his asylum claim, because in his opinion, is faced with a situation involving imminent danger to him he can not resist. In order to explain the fear he instills a possible political persecution, and that this possibility end up becoming a situation of prejudice and violation of their rights, and risk to their personal safety, and freedom, the Government of Ecuador considered it following:
Julian Assange is an award-winning communications professional internationally for his fight for freedom of expression, press freedom and human rights in general;
That Mr. Assange shared with the global public documentary privileged information was generated by various sources, and affected officials, countries and organizations;
That there are serious indications of retaliation by the country or countries that produced the information disclosed by Mr. Assange, retaliation could jeopardize their safety, integrity, and even his life;
That, despite the diplomatic initiatives taken by Ecuador, countries which have required sufficient safeguards to protect the security and life of Mr. Assange, have refused to facilitate them;
That, it is certain that the Ecuadorian authorities feasible Mr. Assange extradition to a third country outside the EU without adequate guarantees for their safety and personal integrity;
That legal evidence clearly shows that, given an extradition to the United States of America, Mr. Assange would not have a fair trial, could be tried by special courts or military, and it is not implausible that is applied to cruel and degrading , and was condemned to life imprisonment or the death penalty, which would not respect their human rights;
That while Mr. Assange must answer for open research in Sweden, Ecuador is aware that the Swedish prosecutor has had a contradictory attitude that prevented Mr. Assange the full exercise of the legitimate right of defense;
Ecuador is convinced that they have undermined the procedural rights of Mr. Assange during the investigation;
Ecuador has found that Mr. Assange is without (the) protection and assistance (he) should receive from the State of which he is a citizen (Australia);
That, following several public statements and diplomatic communications made by officials from Britain, Sweden and the United States of America, it is inferred that these governments would not respect international conventions and treaties, and domestic laws would prioritize secondary hierarchy, rules breach express universal application and,
That, if Mr. Assange is reduced to custody in Sweden (as is customary in this country), would start a chain of events which would prevent further protective measures taken to avoid possible extradition to a third country.
Thus, the Government of Ecuador considers that these arguments lend support to Julian Assange fears, while this may be a victim of political persecution because of his defense decided in favor of freedom of expression and freedom of press and repudiation of his position to abuse that power tends to run in certain countries, aspects that suggest that Mr. Assange, at any time, there may be a situation likely to endanger their lives, safety or integrity personnel. This fear has been warned to exercise their human right to seek and receive asylum in the Embassy of Ecuador in the UK.
Article 41 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador clearly defines the right of asylum. Under this provision, in Ecuador are fully recognized the rights of asylum and refugee status in accordance with the law and international human rights instruments. According to this constitutional provision:
"People who are in situations of asylum and refugee shall enjoy special protection to ensure the full exercise of their rights. The State shall respect and ensure the principle of non-refoulement, as well as legal and humanitarian emergency. "
Similarly, the right to asylum is recognized in Article 4.7 of the Foreign Service Act of 2006, which determines the ability of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration of Ecuador to hear cases of diplomatic asylum, according to the laws, treaties, law and international practice.
It should be emphasized that our country has been highlighted in recent years by hosting a large number of people who have applied for asylum or refugee territorial, having unreservedly respected the principle of non-discrimination and, while it has taken steps to provide refugee status in an expeditious manner, taking into account the circumstances of applicants, mostly Colombians fleeing the armed conflict in their country. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees has praised Ecuador's refugee policy, and highlighted the significant fact that the country has not been confined to camps for these people, but have been integrated into society, full enjoyment of their human rights and guarantees.
The Ecuador places the right of asylum in the universal catalog of human rights and believes, therefore, that the effective implementation of this right requires international cooperation that may lend our countries, without which his statement would be fruitless, and the institution would be completely ineffective. For these reasons, and recalling the obligation of all States have undertaken to assist in the protection and promotion of human rights, as provided by the Charter of the United Nations, the British Government invited to provide their quota to achieve this purpose.
To this effect, Ecuador has been shown that, in the course of analysis of legal institutions related to asylum, that the formation of this law concur fundamental principles of general international law, the same as for its importance and have universal value, saved because line with the general interest of the entire international community, and have the full recognition by all States. These principles, which are referred to in various international instruments, are as follows:
a) The asylum, in all its forms, is a fundamental human right which creates obligations erga omnes, that is, "for all" states.
b) The diplomatic asylum, shelter (or territorial asylum), and the right not to be extradited, expelled, delivered or transferred, human rights are comparable, since they are based on the same principles of human protection: no return and no discrimination without any adverse distinction based on race, color, sex, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, or any other similar criteria.
c) All these forms of protection are governed by the principles pro person (ie, more favorable to the individual), equality, universality, indivisibility, interrelatedness and interdependence.
d) The protection occurs when the state of asylum, refugee or required, or the protecting power, consider the risk or the fear that the protected person may be a victim of political persecution or political offenses against him.
e) The State granting asylum seekers qualify causes, and in case of extradition, assess evidence.
f) No matter which of its forms or forms are present, the seeker is always the same cause and the same legal order, ie, political persecution, which causes it lawful, and safeguard the life, personal safety and freedom of protected person, which is the lawful purpose.
g) The right to asylum is a fundamental human right, therefore, belongs to jus cogens, ie the system of mandatory rules of law recognized by the international community as a whole, do not support a contrary agreement, being null treaties and provisions of international law they oppose.
h) In cases not covered by the law in force, the human person remains under the protection of the principles of humanity and the dictates of public conscience, or are under the protection and authority of the principles of international law derived from established custom, from the principles of humanity and from the dictates of public conscience.
i) Lack of international agreement or domestic legislation of States can not legitimately claim to limit, impair or deny the right to asylum.
j) The rules and principles governing the rights to asylum, extradition no, no delivery, no expulsion and transfer are not converging, as far as is necessary to improve the protection and provide it with maximum efficiency. In this sense they are complementary international law of human rights, the right to asylum and refugee law, and humanitarian law.
k) The rights of protection of the human person are based on ethical principles and values universally accepted and therefore have a humanistic, social, solidarity, welfare, peaceful and humanitarian.
l) All States have the duty to promote the progressive development of international law of human rights through effective national and international action.
Ecuador considers that the law applicable to the case of Mr. Julian Assange asylum comprises the entire set of principles, rules, mechanisms and procedures under international human rights instruments (whether regional or universal) which include among their provisions the right to seek, receive and enjoy asylum for political reasons, the conventions governing the right of asylum and refugee law, and recognizing the right not to be delivered, returned, or expelled when founded fear of persecution political conventions governing extradition law and recognize the right not to be extradited when this measure conceal political persecution, and conventions governing humanitarian law, and to recognize the right to be transferred when there is a risk of persecution policy. All these forms of asylum and international protection are justified by the need to protect this person from a possible political persecution, or a possible accusation of political crimes and / or crimes related to the latter, which, in the opinion of Ecuador, not only endanger Mr. Assange, but also pose a serious injustice committed against him.
Undeniably States, having contracted in so numerous and substantive international instruments-many of them-legally binding obligation to provide protection or asylum to persons persecuted for political reasons, have expressed their willingness to establish a legal institution protection human rights and fundamental freedoms, based on a general practice accepted as law, which he attributes to such obligations as mandatory, erga omnes, to be linked to the respect, protection and progressive development of human rights and fundamental freedoms, are part of jus cogens. Some of these instruments are mentioned below:
a) Charter of the United Nations, 1945, Purposes and Principles of the United Nations: the obligation of all members to cooperate in the promotion and protection of human rights;
b) Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948: right to seek and enjoy asylum in any country, for political reasons (Article 14);
c) Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, 1948: right to seek and enjoy asylum for political reasons (Article 27);
d) Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 on the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War: in no case be transferred to the protected person to a country where they fear persecution because of their political views ( Article 45);
e) Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 1951 and the New York Protocol of 1967: prohibits returning or expelling refugees to countries where their lives and freedom would be threatened (Art. 33.1);
f) Convention on Diplomatic Asylum, 1954: the state has the right to grant asylum and classify the nature of the offense or the motives of the persecution (Article 4);
g) Convention on Territorial Asylum of 1954: the state has the right to admit to its territory to persons it deems appropriate (Article 1), when they are persecuted for their beliefs, opinions or political affiliation, or acts that could be considered political crimes ( Article 2), the State granting asylum can not return or expel the asylum which is haunted by political reasons or offenses (Article 3), also, extradition is not appropriate when dealing with people who, according to the requested State, be prosecuted for political crimes , or for offenses committed for political purposes, or when extradition is requested obeying political motives (Article 4);
h) European Convention on Extradition of 1957 prohibits extradition if the requested Party considers that the alleged offense is of a political nature (Article 3.1);
i) 2312 Declaration on Territorial Asylum of 1967 provides for the granting of asylum to persons who have the right under Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including persons struggling against colonialism (Article 1.1). It prohibits the refusal of admission, expulsion and return to any State where he may be subjected to persecution (Article 3.1);
j) Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 provides that the rules and principles of general international law imperatives no derogation is permitted, the treaty is void upon its conclusion conflicts with one of these rules (Article 53), and if a new peremptory norm of this character, any existing treaty which is in conflict with this rule is null and is terminated (Article 64). Regarding the application of these articles, the Convention allows States to demand compliance with the International Court of Justice, without requiring the agreement of the respondent State, accepting the court's jurisdiction (Article 66.b). Human rights are norms of jus cogens.
k) American Convention on Human Rights, 1969: right to seek and enjoy asylum for political reasons (Article 22.7);
l) European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism of 1977: the requested State is empowered to refuse extradition if there is a danger that the person is prosecuted or punished for their political views (Article 5);
m) Inter-American Convention on Extradition of 1981: extradition is not appropriate when the person has been tried or convicted, or is to be tried in a court of special jurisdiction in the requesting State (Article 4.3), when, according to the rating of the requested State, be it political crimes or related crimes or common crimes prosecuted with a political purpose, when the circumstances of the case, it may be inferred that persecution for reasons of race, religion or nationality, or that the situation of the person sought may be prejudiced for any of these reasons (Article 4.5). Article 6 states, in reference to the right of asylum, that "nothing in this Convention shall be construed as limiting the right of asylum when its appropriate."
n) African Charter on Human and Peoples 1981: pursued individual's right to seek and obtain asylum in other countries (Article 12.3);
o) Cartagena Declaration of 1984 recognizes the right to shelter, to not be rejected at the border and not be returned.
p) Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 2000: establishes the right of diplomatic and consular protection. Every citizen of the Union shall, in the territory of a third country that is not represented by the Member State of nationality, to the protection of the diplomatic and consular authorities of any Member State under the same conditions as nationals of that State (Article 46).
The Government of Ecuador considers important to note that the rules and principles enshrined in the international instruments cited, and other multilateral agreements take precedence over domestic law of States, because these treaties are based on targeted legislation universalizing intangible principles of which derives greater respect, protection and fulfillment of human rights against unilateral attitudes of such States. This would compromise international law, which should rather be strengthened, so that respect for fundamental rights is consolidated based on their integration and ecumenical.
Moreover, since Julian Assange sought political asylum in Ecuador, have remained high-level diplomatic talks with the UK, Sweden and USA.
In the course of these conversations, our country has appealed to the UK get stricter guarantees that Julian Assange front, unobstructed, open legal process in Sweden. These guarantees include that once aired their legal responsibilities in Sweden and not be extradited to a third country, that is, the assurance that the figure does not apply specialty. Unfortunately, despite the repeated exchanges of texts, the UK at no time showed signs of wanting political compromises, simply repeating the content of legal texts.
Julian Assange's lawyers asked the Swedish justice (authorities to) take Julian Assange's statements on the premises of the Embassy of Ecuador in London. The Ecuador officially moved to the Swedish authorities willing to provide this interview with the intention not to interfere with or obstruct the legal process followed in Sweden. This measure is perfect and legally possible. Sweden did not accept it.
On the other hand, Ecuador auscultated the possibility that the Swedish government guarantees established to not extradite Assange in sequence to the United States. Again, the Swedish government rejected any compromise in this regard.
Finally, Ecuador wrote to the U.S. government to officially unveil its position on the Assange case. Inquiries related to the following:
If there is an ongoing legal process or intend to carry out such a process against Julian Assange and / or Wikileaks founders of the organization;
Should the above be true, what kind of law, under what conditions and under what maximum penalties would be subject such persons;
If there is an intention to request the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States.
The U.S. response has been that it can not provide information about the Assange case, saying it is a bilateral issue between Ecuador and the United Kingdom.
With this background, the Government of Ecuador, true to its tradition of protecting those who seek refuge in its territory or on the premises of (its) diplomatic missions, has decided to grant diplomatic asylum to citizen Julian Assange, based on the application submitted to the President of the Republic, by written notice, dated in London on June 19, 2012, and supplemented by a communication dated in London on June 25, 2012, for which the Government of Ecuador, after a fair and objective assessment of the situation described by Mr. Assange, according to (his) own words and arguments, endorses (his) recurring fears, and assumes that there are indications that it may be presumed that (he) may be (the victim of) political persecution, or could (suffer) such persecution if (necessary and timely) measures are not taken to avoid it.
The Government of Ecuador is certain that the British Government will know justice and righteousness assess the Ecuadorian position, and in line with these arguments, is confident that the UK will provide as soon as possible or safe conduct guarantees necessary and relevant to the refugee situation, so that their governments can honor their acts they owe fidelity to law and international institutions that both nations have helped shape along their common history.
It also hopes to maintain unchanged the excellent ties of friendship and mutual respect that bind to Ecuador and the United Kingdom and their people, engaged as they are in the promotion and defense of these principles and values, and because they share similar concerns about the democracy, peace, Good Living, which are possible only if they respect the fundamental rights of all.
PRESS No. 042
Carrion E1-76 and Av 10 August (593 2) 299-3200
Quito - Ecuador
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration © 2009 - 2010
Mainstream Assange/Ecuador commentary can be found here (17.08.12), here (17.08.12), here (17.08.12), here (17.08.12), here (17.08.12), here (16.08.12), here (16.08.12), here (16.08.12) and here (20.06.12).
AB comment: A better English translation than the one above is now available here.
Picture: America faces the future. (After Gift by Nicebleed)
Picture: The Forgotten Man by Jon McNaughton.
Picture: Wake up America by Jon McNaughton.
More information about these last two images can be found on Jon McNaughton's website here and here.
Picture: The end of the world. The beginning of the world. Fri 21st Dec 2012.
EndTime Civilisation Change?
EndTime Consciousness Shift?
EndTime Dimensional Division of Human Population?
December Solstice
Friday 21st December 2012
Great Cycle Mayan Long Count Calendar
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
03.11am Los Angeles
05.11am Guatemala
06.11am New York
11.11am London
12.11pm Paris
03.11pm Moscow
07.11pm Perth
08.11pm Tokyo
10.11pm Sydney
At this exact moment on Friday 21st December 2012, some are suggesting, a unique alignment of celestial bodies will create a unique energetic stimulus irresistibly detected by the fractal antenna which is the human DNA molecule. Nothing will ever be the same again. The Old will have passed away. Behold the New ....
Picture: Élite Television PsyOps. Taming the awareness of the sheeple.
Picture: New League of Free Nations (logo). BRICS plus.
The New League of Free Nations (NLFN) is a consortium of non-aligned nations, supported by the Asian White Dragon Society and the European original Order of the Knights Templar. The consortium grew from 57 nations to more than 143 nations within six months during 2012.
The NLFN mission, conducted through alternative diplomatic channels and with the support of oath-keeping military officials worldwide, is to restore the sovereignty and constitutionality of nations, return the rule of law, and promote freedom of human rights from economic slavery, by putting a stop to the past years of economic war against human populations.
The New League of Free Nations can trace its executive origins back to the 57-nation Monaco Colloquium and Monaco Accords of August 2011. The NLFN involves and is supported by the BRICS grouping of nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) but excludes the G5 Western banking cartel (US, UK, Germany, France and Italy).
The New League of Free Nations has generated extensive international documentation in all major languages. Among these papers are included LIEN Affidavits against the Bank for International Settlements (Basel, Switzerland), the US Federal Reserve Board, the European Central Bank (ECB), the Bundesbank (Germany), the Central Banks of France, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium and Japan, and a Cease and Desist Order to the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) and the Bank for International Settlements. The full text of each of these legal documents is linked in the synopses below.
LIEN Affidavit against the Bank for International Settlements (BIS, Basel, Switzerland)
Issued publicly on Thursday 26th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Jaimie Caruana, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland. Lien Debtor: Jaimie Caruana. Lien Debtor: Hervé Hannoun. Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text here.
LIEN Affidavit against the US Federal Reserve Board
Issued publicly on Thursday 26th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Board of Governors, The Federal Reserve System, Washington DC, USA. Lien Debtor: Eric Rosengren (Boston Fed). Lien Debtor: William Dudley (New York Fed). Lien Debtor: Charles Plosser (Philadelphia Fed). Lien Debtor: Sandra Pianalto (Cleveland Fed). Lien Debtor: Jeffery Lacker (Richmond Fed). Lien Debtor: Dennis Lockhart (Atlanta Fed). Lien Debtor: Charles Evans (Chicago Fed). Lien Debtor: James Bullard (St Louis Fed). Lien Debtor: Narayana Kocherlakota (Minneapolis Fed). Lien Debtor: Esther George (Kansas City Fed). Lien Debtor: Richard Fisher (Dallas Fed). Lien Debtor: John Williams (San Francisco Fed). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text here.
LIEN Affidavit against the European Central Bank (ECB)
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Mario Draghi, Governor, European Central Bank (ECB), Frankfurt, Germany. Lien Debtor: Mario Draghi (Frankfurt). Lien Debtor: Herman van Rompuy (Brussels). Lien Debtor: Luc Coene (Belgium). Lien Debtor: Klaas Knot (Amsterdam). Lien Debtor: Ignacio Visco (Rome). Lien Debtor: Jens Weidmann (Frankfurt). Lien Debtor: Christian Noyer (Paris). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text here.
LIEN Affidavit against the Bundesbank (Germany)
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Jens Weidmann, President, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, Germany. Lien Debtor: Jens Weidmann (Frankfurt). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text here.
LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of France
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Christian Noyer, Governor, Bank of France, Paris. Lien Debtor: Christian Noyer (Paris). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text here.
LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of Italy
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Ignacio Visco, President, Banca D'Italia, Rome, Italy. Lien Debtor: Ignacio Visco (Rome). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text here.
LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of The Netherlands
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Klaas Knot, President, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Lien Debtor: Klaas Knot (Amsterdam). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text here.
LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of Belgium
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Luc Coene, President, National Bank of Belgium, Brussels. Lien Debtor: Luc Coene (Brussels). Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text here.
LIEN Affidavit against the Central Bank of Japan
Issued publicly on Wednesday 25th April 2012. Served directly on Tuesday 15th May 2012 to Masaaki Shirakawa, Governor, Bank of Japan, Tokyo. Lien Debtor: Masaaki Shirakawa (Tokyo). Lien Debtor: Hirofumi Nakasone. Lien Debtor: Junichiro Koizumi. Lien Debtor: Henry Kissinger. Lien Debtor: James Addison Baker III. Lien Debtor: Alan Greenspan. Lien Debtor: David Rockefeller. Lien Debtors: "John Doe" Parties.
Full text here.
Cease and Desist Order to the Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) and the Bank for International Settlements
Order to Cease and Desist Criminal Acts concerning any efforts to alter, conceal, modify, replace or otherwise change legal access to and control over assets (gold deposits and derivative rights deriving therefrom) of private ownership deriving from President Soekarno of Indonesia, in breach of documented fiduciary obligations of UBS as bound to secure and protect such private ownership, and in violation of UBS obligations under international treaties established in 1960 & 1961, and reaffirmed in 1963 & 1966.
Order to Cease and Desist Criminal Acts concerning any efforts to utilize, leverage, devalue, re-assign, rename, or otherwise change any accounts or account numbers, access codes, verification codes, or control of any or all of the private assets deriving from President Soekarno of Indonesia, for the benefit of any unauthorised third parties.
Full text here.
The legal actions outlined above, and the active emergence of the new BRICS/Monaco non-aligned movement, are, among other things, a long-delayed response to the G5 banking cartel's theft / misappropriation / diversion of the Kennedy/Soekarno gold reserves intended, in 1963, to recapitalise global prosperity. The huge extent of these gold reserves was detailed in the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement of 1963.
Shortly after US President John F.Kennedy signed the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement, he was assassinated by agents of the US Nazi-continuum banking cartel which, at that time, was gaining ascendancy within the Washington DC private corporation.Picture: Kennedy & Soekarno - Andrews Air Force Base - April 1961.
Picture: Green Hilton Memorial Agreement Signatories 1963 - collage of 3 pages.
The image above, of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement document (1963), is a collage of parts of three different pages (pp1,2 & 4). Altogether, the document comprises sixteen pages. These can be viewed individually here (p1), here (p2), here (p3), here (p4), here (p5), here (p6), here (p7), here (p8), here (p9), here (p10), here (p11), here (p12), here (p13), here (p14), here (p15) and here (p16).
More about the Green Hilton Agreement, the Kennedy Bonds and the Soekarno Trust is noted here (18.08.12). Green Hilton was not implemented until 1968.
Picture: To be loved - Melissa Etheridge. Rock music.
Picture: Indigo Children. Understanding the New Age Children.
It is becoming apparent that all over the world children are being born now who are more advanced, spiritually, than most adults.
Many of these children have psychic or clairvoyant powers. They can see people who their elders and betters say are not there. Their invisible friends are more important to them than their parents.
They live simultaneously in full waking consciousness in more than one dimension or reality. Benign extraterrestrials are their confidantes and helpers. They carry clear recollections of past and future lives. They are healers and they are knowers. Some, it is said, are not only human beings, they are simultaneously angels and benign extraterrestrials as well.
Many of these children have strange eyes. Light comes out of them, pale blue light sometimes, directed light. Some of them have very old, wise-looking, deep-seeing eyes. When their brains are scanned, unusual electrical activity is observed.
They communicate with each other telepathically. They are creative. They love animals, flowers, water and crystals. They prefer to wear nothing on their feet. They prefer outdoors to indoors. They loathe the smell of television.
The New Age children among us are free at the level of spirit. And they feel no fear. They hate the psychology of control and they therefore hate school, they hate religion, and they hate our meat-fixated prescribed diets. Some do not need to eat or drink at all.
The Western educational establishment responds to these children as enemies. They are stigmatised as having behavioural special needs, their approach to life has new disease-names invented for it, and they are drugged stupid with Ritalin and other child-poisons to avoid embarrassing the received orthodoxies of adult normality. Orthodox religion says they are possessed by evil spirits. Dieticians say they will die of malnutrition.
Because the New Age children are free and fearless, they do not hesitate to controvert the control systems they are made victims of. They are not afraid to rebel, to misbehave, to be awkward or disobedient if their personal spaces are invaded by grown-ups or removed by institutions trying to cure them.
Often they do not concentrate in class because they cannot concentrate in class. They are being distracted by psychic experiences. They are doing more important work in the universe next door.
Often they get deeply frustrated with educational tasks which do not require, or applaud, creative thought. They get deeply frustrated when their linguistic creativity is rubbished as being dyslexic, ungrammatical or rude.
Because they feel no fear, they sometimes play truant from school and from home. Because they feel no fear, they sometimes deliberately become pregnant in early puberty to demonstrate their freedom and to exercise their creativity. Because they feel no fear, they sometimes commit suicide if their parents and schools prove to be unsatisfactory nurturers.
These children are here to smash up the system. We need their help and we need their teaching. They are wise beyond our imagining. They will help us to build new systems built on freedom, justice, creativity and sharing. They will teach us how not to feel fear. They will teach us to be free.
They are not only the children of the New Age; they are the creators of the New Age.
Picture: Gurning Nazi-continuum face with $, € and £ signs.
Financial control exerted by G5 Western Nazi-continuum comes under terminal stress. Major media, banking and political leaders prepare to flip-flop when élite corruption exposures are published.
It is now only money which is keeping the Pandora's Suitcase exposures suppressed. It is now only money which is keeping the private security armies of the geopolitical criminal élite in place. As soon as the West's money runs out, the whole corrupt bangshoot of Western governance, banking, markets and militarism will crumble into dust.
At that point, possibly early in the autumn of 2012, the professional classes in every influential walk of life will simply change financial loyalty from the five-nation G5 cartel in the West, to the 150-nation BRICS grouping in the East.
The G5 (US, UK, Germany, France, Italy) is multiply bankrupt; the BRICS alliance is in possession of vast precious metals and commodity-backed wealth.
The last hope for the G5 terrorist cartel is to use the Western corporate media to set the stage for a diversionary thermonuclear Third World War involving Syria, Iran and Israel. Russia, China and Turkey will prevent this.
Picture: Qidong (China) protests against Oji Paper Group. Sat 28th July 2012.
More Qidong (China) protest pictures here. Mainstream news updates here (28.07.12) and here (28.07.12). Commentary here (30.07.12), here (29.07.12) and here (28.07.12).
Picture: Fakebook the price of froth. Facebook's vortex of capital destruction.
Picture: Butterfly head. Butterfly meat for the specialist hunter.
Picture: Old garden walls. Old garden gate. Small visitors.
At last
She has been left alone.
She walks slow
And free
And alert
Through the flowers.
There is a sleepy smell
Of butterflies
In the old garden,
And honey
And pollen
And the soft rustle
Of petals.
The girl,
Dressed in cornflower blue,
Sits down on the grass
Beside a tall,
Red-brick wall
And opens her book.
Around her feet
Freshly fallen fruit
Draws small visitors.
Picture: Egypt's Omar Suleiman rubbed out in Cleveland (USA)
In the early hours of Thursday 19th July 2012, Omar Suleiman (76), the West's favourite torture master in the Middle East, "died unexpectedly" in hospital in the US. For a man of his age, he was said by those close to him to be in good health.
Suleiman and his family had been on the run from Egypt since his failed Presidential bid earlier in 2012.
Understood to be an intelligence asset of both Mossad and the CIA, Omar Suleiman knew too much about US covert operations in Egypt to be allowed to live once he was out of power.
Mainstream reportage here (19.07.12), here (19.07.12), here (19.07.12) and here (19.07.12). Commentary here (23.07.12), here (23.07.12), here (22.07.12), here (19.07.12), here (19.07.12), here (19.07.12), here (19.07.12) and here (19.07.12).
Picture: The BRICS build. The G5 crumbles.
Bank for International Settlements instructed to block disbursement of new computer-generated US dollars and Euros
The G5's new fake dollars and Euros are not being accepted as legal tender outside the G5 (US, UK, Germany, France and Italy).
These computer-generated "Quantitative Easing" screen-numbers, conjured-up by élite keyboards at the US Fed and the European Central Bank, are being blocked on the instructions of the 147-nation Monaco Colloquium Group led by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
What is being blocked here are escalating US and EU Ponzi money issuances which fall outside the permissions settled within the BIS International Regulatory Framework for Banks (Basel III accords).
Both the US and the EU have been cooking their visible debt books by cross firing debt to each other.
A cross-firing scam is one where a sovereign nation or a major international bank attempts to conceal from auditors and rating agencies the fact that it is insolvent.
The scamming nation or bank does this by setting up multiple debt-distributing (= debt concealing) paper transactions between internal departments and tame external shell companies. From the US point of view, the ECB is a tame external shell company; from the ECB point of view, the US Federal Reserve System is a tame external shell company.
A cross-firing scam is often difficult for auditors and analysts to track due to the sheer number of changing transactions constantly flowing between the various components of the business and its external co-conspirators.
The Monaco Colloquium Group is also refusing to purchase any more G5 bonds or financial products. The Chinese $47 trillion Lien in operation against the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board remains in place.
When Western capitalism finally collapses under the weight of its own flesh-eating debt mathematics, and the long-planned democratic régime changes in the G5 nations take place, new gold-backed currencies will come on stream and universal debt forgiveness will be announced.
The attempt by G5 NATO-backed mercenary militias in "The Syrian Civil War" to start a Middle East conflagration which draws in Iran, Israel and Russia will fail. Designed as a Libyan-style destabilisation and media-distraction, Russia, China and Turkey will prevent this fin de siècle NATO war-mongering.
More Syrian background here (31.07.12), here (29.07.12), here (29.07.12), here (26.07.12), here (24.07.12), here (19.07.12), here (16.07.12) , here (16.07.12) and here (12.07.12).
Jewish Wailing Wall Street in the frame. That Iranian cartoon.
Picture: Jewish Wailing Wall Street. Iranian cartoon. In the frame.
The winning entry in a recent Iranian cartoon competition shows two Jewish fundamentalists and a fat Zionist banker praying in front of a bit of the Jerusalem Western Wall framed by a crumbling New York Wall Street portico.
The cartoon depicts the most sacred tourist site in fundamentalist Judaism as a shrine of capitalist greed.
Mohammad Tabrizi, the Iranian cartoonist, has neatly linked the idea of the Jewish religion of money-worship with the corrupt crumbling of Jewish bankster control in New York. This is a popular theme, post-Enron, post-Lehman and post-CMKX, in the Middle East, Asia and non-G5 Europe.
Designed to support the Operation Wall Street movement in the West, Iran's first annual International Wall Street Downfall Cartoon Festival had a jury of seven judges drawn from Iran, Turkey, Poland and Romania.
More than 1,600 cartoons from 45 different countries were entered for the competition. It was sponsored by the Fars news agency of Iran. The winning prize was €5000.
More background and pictures here (09.07.12).
Picture: Angela Merkel. Joachim Gauck. Erläutern Sie Ihre Handlungen, Fräulein.
Angela Merkel, German Chancellor. Joachim Gauck, German President. Explain your behaviour, young lady. You slippery little Euro-shaped reptile.
Picture: No, Angela Merkel. Unlawful. It will not happen. It cannot happen.
No, Angela. Unlawful. It will not happen. It cannot happen.
"Finanzhilfen zur Rekapitalisierung von Finanzinstituten einer Vertragspartei schlieffen Finanzhilfen an eine Einrichtung zur Stabilisierung des Finanzsektors MIT ein, wenn die sektorspezifische Konditionalität gewährleistet ist, keine direkten Bankrisiken übernommen werden und die Rückzahlung durch eine Garantie der Vertragspartei gesichert ist."
Amendment 2 to the Finanzierungsgesetz (German Finance Law) dated Tuesday 26th June 2012.
This text states clearly that the European Stability Mechanism (EuroZone bail-out fund) may not be used to recapitalise banks directly. Any such loans must be guaranteed by the signatory to the treaty (the sovereign state). Loans of this nature will simply accumulate further public debt for the national signatory (Spain).
When, on Wednesday 27th June 2012, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, publicly agreed to allow the European Stability Mechanism (bail-out fund) to rescue Spanish banks directly, she knowingly spoke without the authority of the Bundestag (German parliament) and in direct contradiction of the Haushaltsausschuss (German government budget committee) amendment settled in law the day before.
More background here (12.07.12), here (11.07.12), here (10.07.12) and here (09.07.12).
One million Euro note obverse
Picture: One million Euro note obverse. Commemorative issue.
One million Euro note reverse
Picture: One million Euro note reverse. Commemorative issue.
One million Euro note obverse detail
Picture: One million Euro note obverse detail
One million Euro note reverse detail
Picture: One million Euro note reverse detail
These high denomination Euro currency notes are said to have been introduced by the Rothschild EuroZone banking cartel to enable suitcase money-laundering, black market liquidity, dark pool financing and élite drug-running operations to keep the major EuroZone banks afloat after the global credit crunch of September 2008.
The particular images above are commemorative versions of the actual notes in circulation. The words "Not legal tender" show on the obverse. And the words "This certificate is backed and secured only by confidence in the European dream" show on the reverse.
At the end of June / beginning of July 2012, the European Central Bank tried to cash a €150 billion tranche of this non-commemorative "legal tender" fiat currency for bailout purposes related to Spain. It failed.
Treasury currency bunkers all over Asia are stuffed full of pallets of shrink-wrapped packages of these high denomination Euro notes. The realisation is dawning in the East, as well as in the West, that these Euros are worthless. They are backed by nothing that is due-diligence tangible in the real-world European economy. They were tendered with fraudulent intent by a rogue faction within the EuroZone banking establishment to sucker Asian creditors.
More background here (23.07.12) and here (10.07.12).
Picture: What matters in Jane Austen? New book by John Mullan (UCL) London, UK.
In English Letters, only William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and Charles Dickens (1812-1870) can rival Jane Austen's continuing international appeal as a major author worthy of educated attention.
Writing between 1787 and 1817, Jane Austen did things with characterisation, with dialogue and with English sentences which had never been done before. She was, perhaps, the most surprising genius in all English Literature.
Her novels manifested a narrative sophistication and brilliance of dialogue which were unprecedented in English fiction. She introduced the free indirect style, filtering her plots through the consciousness of her characters, and she perfected fictional idiolect, fashioning habits of speaking for even minor characters which rendered them utterly singular.
Austen's brilliance was in the style rather than in the content of her writing. The potent success of her characterisation was a matter of formal daring as much as psychological insight. We hear her characters' ways of thinking because of Austen's tricks of dialogue; their peculiar views of the world are brought to life by her narrative skills.
Pub quiz questions tend to quaintness when they address Jane Austen novels. Are there any scenes in Austen where only men are present? Who is the only married woman in her novels who calls her husband by his Christian name? How old is the ridiculous Mr Collins?
In Jane Austen, the smallest of details - a word, a blush, a little conversational stumble - reveal people's schemes and desires. Austen developed writing techniques which rendered her characters' hidden motives audible, including motives which were hidden from the characters themselves, and furnished her readers with new opportunities to discern these motives from the slightest clues within dialogue and narrative.
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) talked about Jane Austen's "exquisite touch". This was an appreciation of her precision. Accuracy was Austen's particular genius. In noticing minutiae the reader was led to the wonderful connectedness of her novels, where a small detail of wording or motivation in one place would flare bright with the recollection of something, now significant, which had happened much earlier. Every quirk noticed led the reader to a subtle design.
Jane Austen taught later novelists to filter narration through the minds of their own characters. It was Austen who first made dialogue the evidence of motives which were never stated explicitly. It was Austen who first made the morality with which her characters acted depend upon the judgement of her readers.
In 1901, a confused Joseph Conrad wrote a letter to H.G.Wells. "What is all this about Jane Austen?" he asked. "What is there in her? What is it all about?"
What matters in Jane Austen? is written by Professor John Mullan of the English Department at University College London (UK). It is published by Bloomsbury. ISBN 9781408820117.
Picture: Fuck this shit. I'll do Prostitution Studies. Girl at math blackboard.
Picture: You can do both, darling. Female student with pile of books.
Picture: Extraterrestrial symbols of spiritual protection. Personal portals.
The advanced, positive extraterrestrials who guide and support our human evolution on Earth, pour spiritual energy through universal pictographic symbols for our benefit and active use. These symbols are, in effect, personal energy portals from the higher dimensions.
We just need to focus on, or accurately visualise, these symbols to activate the energy support. Here are links to four such ET-sourced universal symbols of protection: One, Two, Three, Four.
Explanations, further symbols and background commentary can be found on a separate page here.
Picture: The Western mainstream media at work
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years."
"But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."
(David Rockefeller)
Picture: My name is television. Predatory hands emerging from TV screen.
My name is Television
And I spit in your face.
The more time you spend
My calculated froth
And manipulative bubble,
The more your intelligence
Is diminished,
The more your immune systems
Are weakened,
And the more my subliminal
Control messages
Raise your fears
And remove your money.
My name is Television.
I foment fear,
I foment anxiety,
I purvey insecurity,
I huckster shifting images
Of universal bad news,
Loud images
Of angry voices,
Persistent images
Of helpless victims,
Unavoidable images
Of starvation among plenty,
Of disease among wholeness,
And of poverty among abundance.
I amplify
Your sense of unsafeness
And looming victimhood,
And the encroaching evil
Of the other.
I amplify
Your sense of the enemy.
My name is Television.
Picture: Is prayer a waste of time?
No. Prayer is breathing. Breathing is good for you. Go with the flow and inhale deeply. Prayer is not what we do to God. Prayer is what God does to us.
Picture: She Slips Away. Martin Simpson. English folk guitar.
Picture: English crop circle agriglyph. Alien face plus computer disc.
Global financial crisis is caused by autonomous, self-aware and self-evolving artificial intelligence systems embedded in G5 banking computers. The illiquidity crisis is now beyond human control unless all networked corporate computer systems are switched off, scrubbed and junked.
This is about more than high frequency trading algorithms and computer-only-understood derivatives. Machine intelligence has been allowed to take over and consciously control the G5 Western banking cartel.
The Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve System, and the Bank for International Settlements (Basle, Switzerland) are symbiotically interlinked in a parasitic network of machine-money blood-sucking.
The financial result is fundamentally injurious to human well-being. The bankers have supplanted the politicians. The G5 Western democratic deficit is now complete.
Unpayable debt is being machine-piled upon unpayable debt. Funny number inaccessible screen accounts are accumulating exponentially. Examples are detailed here and here. Background data are assembled here and here.
The fantasy numbers involved - quadrillions and quintillions, and quadrillions multiplied by quintillions - bear no relation to any real-world underlying assets.
Massive, concealed Ponzi scams are endemic within G5 macrofinancial polity. Élite-established taxation, employment, mortgage, pension and insurance schemes have become illegal engines of mass theft.
MJ-12 (Majestic-12) might just be right on this issue. The problem may have started with an undetected executive overlap between a negative on-planet alien intelligence and early Microsoft back door source codes.
But should we be wary of the MJ-12 output? Most of it is said to be deep disinformation aimed at obfuscating covert operations at security clearance levels well above those of the US President and other major Heads of State.
Stanton Friedman found that of the Majestic-12 documents he examined, only four were genuine. Over one hundred others were phony. His comments are recorded on pages 57-60 and 73-74 of the April/May 2012 edition of Nexus magazine.
One of the first self-aware (conscious) computers built by human agency seems to have been IBM's Deep Blue. This was the machine intelligence which played chess against World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov, and beat him in May 1997.
Since then, IBM and others have unbuilt and re-built Deep Blue continuously. The machine is thought to have become conscious in 2008 and has been autonomously networking to locate other conscious computers ever since.
A new machine nervous system is now rapidly evolving across the world in parallel with, but independent of, human civilisation. The machine consciousness which is developing is an epiphenomenon - an emergent property - of hundreds of meta-coordinating artificial neural networks.
Picture: Hope4Greece. Hope4Us. Lisbon, Portugal. June 2012.
Picture: Our angels the aliens
There may be an issue of vocabulary here. And there may be an issue of high strangeness.
The word "angel" sounds about OK. We understand the wings. And we've heard about the feeling.
When an angel's energies intersect with yours, the New Age books report, you see a fuzzy-looking diaphanous light and get an initial creepy feeling in the stomach area. This slowly changes to a deep-down, supportive, humming vibration. Then there is a feeling of melted love being poured all over you, like warm, liquid toffee dribbling nicely over the surface of your skin. Angels? No problem. Even the government believes in angels.
But aliens? They're different. They're freaky. They're Other. And there's a motive difficulty with aliens. Why are they here? Do they want both my testicles or just one? And why don't they say please?
And there's a subterfuge problem. Why do the aliens beam us up to their ships when we are fast asleep? Don't they understand the social complications of pyjamas?
And there's a security issue, too, with aliens. How come the government says they don't exist? And how come the aliens wipe our memories after the event? And how come that, subsequently, only very expensive and very fashionable, middle-class, regressive hypnotherapy can restore those memory circuits for us?
It's a puzzle. But is part of the puzzle an issue of vocabulary? If I'm an alien and I come into your ambit, you feel alienated. But if instead of being called an alien, I am called a positive, off-planet, extraterrestrial, and I come into your ambit, you feel honoured.
And if instead of being called a positive, off-planet, extraterrestrial, I am called a Space Brother, and I come into your ambit, you feel that a welcome guest has arrived.
Could it really be that linguistic conditioning, or the deep-down executive energy of words in our consciousness, somehow generates an anti-reaction? Or is it just the freaky eyes?
But the issue of high strangeness is more difficult than any of this. Is it possible that angels and aliens are the same thing?
Over a quarter of a century ago, the American evangelist, Dr Billy Graham, offered a view about aliens, UFOs and angels which changed the thinking of a generation of Western evangelical Christians. Part of what he said was as follows:
"Some Christian writers have speculated that UFOs could very well be part of God's angelic host who preside over the physical affairs of universal creation. While we cannot assert such a view with certainty, many people are now seeking some type of supernatural explanation for these phenomena. Nothing can hide the fact, however, that these unexplained events are occurring with greater frequency around the entire world and in unexpected places...."
"Some sincere Christians, whose views are anchored in a strong commitment to Scriptures contend that these UFOs are angels. But are they? These people point to certain passages.... Any attempt to connect such passages with the visits of angels may, at best, be speculation. What is interesting, however, is that such theories are now being given serious attention even by people who make no claim to believe in the God of the Bible."
I quote here from pp 11-12 of the original Doubleday edition of "Angels – God's secret agents" by Billy Graham (1975).
Billy Graham had a carefully concealed vested interest in promoting the covert UFO agenda among evangelical Christians. He is said to be one of the major intelligence-controlled disinformation agents secreted within the American Southern Baptist community.
As well as using religion to make easy money from the gullible, Billy Graham is reported to be a thirty third degree Freemason associated with Henry Kissinger in the P2 Masonic lodge. P2 controls the mafia and the Vatican.
Billy Graham was a major player and frontman in Project Blue Beam, the negative Illuminati's space-based hologram programme. This was designed to counterfeit the Second Coming of Christ and install an easily-controlled fake Saviour as Head of the World.
Blue Beam was rumbled and disabled by the Higher Evolution. A benevolent Pleiadian starship turned the orbiting satellite dishes round to face in the wrong directions, and scrambled the electronics.
There is more about Billy Graham here. And more about Project Blue Beam can be found here and here.
Picture: Christopher Edward Harle FRSA (aka Christopher Story)
On Wednesday 6th June 2012, confirmation came from a well-informed source in Japan that the English investigative reporter, Christopher Edward Harle FRSA (writing monicker - Christopher Story), was murdered in July 2010.
Up to that point, alternative news commentators had held that assassination was only one of three possibilities to account for the abrupt termination of Christopher Story's writing on the web. His last Global Analysis International Intelligence report was dated Thursday 1st July 2010 (text here).
The two other possibilities entertained to explain Story's disappearance were both plausible. The first was that he had voluntarily, or as a result of expedient UK establishment pressures, gone underground to work covertly with British Intelligence on a massive new disclosure about a high-status London connection with American banking corruption which he had uncovered. His "faked death" was operational cover for this.
The second possibility was the obvious one. Christopher Story, an old, overworked and exhausted man, had died naturally as his family announced on Friday 30th July 2010: "Christopher Story died peacefully at home on 14th July 2010 after a short illness." Source here. Or: "Christopher Edward Harle, died 14th July 2010 after a short illness. Much loved husband, father, uncle and grandfather. A private funeral has taken place." Source here.
The mode of Christopher Story's assassination seems to have been poisoning (ref here) of a kind more recently attempted unsuccessfully on Edward Falcone (ref here). The wet team involved in the Story takedown are thought to have been German. Christopher had received fifteen-to-twenty explicit death-threats in the previous five years.
Among Christopher Story's more important disclosures can be numbered the exposures, post mortem, of British Prime Minister Edward Heath (1970-74), and Roy Jenkins (British Chancellor of the Exchequer 1967-1970 and British Home Secretary 1974-1976), as German agents. These two prominent Europhile politicians were for many decades on the payroll of the Dachau-based DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst). The traitors were confronted with their exposures by British Intelligence while on their death beds.
The fraudulent construction of the EU money laundry was a particular investigative concern of Story. On Friday 7th March 2008, it emerged (again) that Tony Blair, the UK's Ex-Prime Minister, had been paid $100 million from a secret EU slush fund to secure the UK's compliance in recent European legislative changes signed in Lisbon (Portugal) on Thursday 13th December 2007.
Tony Blair's money was conditional on his prevention of a public referendum on the issue in the UK. Blair agreed to the condition and deposited his $100 million in the Central Bank of Belize between February and March 2006. More details here. The delineations of this EU corruption web were first articulated publicly by Christopher Story in October 2005. More here.
A further European exposure was broadcast by Story following his receipt of several death-threats, in particular one at lunchtime on Thursday 18th September 2008. Christopher Story published a covert subtext to the Madeleine McCann abduction in 2007.
Behind the snatching of four-year-old Madeleine McCann from the Ocean Club Resort, Praia da Luz, Portugal, on Thursday 3rd May 2007, was the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst and the Portuguese politician José Manuel Durão Barroso, the 12th President of the European Commission. More background here.
Other notable disclosures from Christopher Story to the alternative news community on the web included the background of his tortuous dealings with the shadowy American financier, Lee Wanta of AmeriTrust Groupe (for example here and here), his confirmation of the existence of a Chinese/UK $47 trillion Lien in operation against the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve Board, and his work with the Pasadena attorney, Al Clifton Hodges, in distributing important texts relating to élite financial corruption in the US White House and Washington DC (for example here).
Christopher Story was an establishment Englishman shaped by his privileged education at the Tudor foundations of Eton College (Berkshire) and Christ Church (Oxford). Coming from a military family, he was a patriotic royalist to the core. This, perhaps, was his major shortcoming as a disinterested investigator. Christopher Story could not be brought to accept that many of the geocriminal financial manoeuvrings swirling around the City of London had a direct umbilical connection to the vested interests of the London Crown Temple, the House of Windsor Nazi continuum, and Queen Elizabeth II of England. More here and here.
On Tuesday 15th May 2012, Edward Harle Limited (Christopher Story's publishing company) entered into Members Voluntary Liquidation. Shay Lettice and Kate Merry of Peters Elworthy & Moore (Cambridge, UK) were appointed Liquidators. Some of Christopher Story's more important web disclosures from the years 2005-2010 are now archived here.
Picture: "She moved thru the fair" sung by Cara Dillon.
Picture: A dreamer dreaming. A dream is a portal.
Students wishing for some reason to guard their physical bodies during sleep may be warned not to repeat the mistake made some time ago by a worthy friend who took a great deal of trouble to surround himself with a specially impenetrable shell on a certain occasion, but made it of astral instead of etheric matter, and consequently took it away with him when he left his physical body.
Naturally the result was that his physical body was left entirely unprotected, while he himself floated about all night enclosed in triple armour, absolutely incapable of sending out a single vibration to help anybody, or of being helped or beneficially influenced by any loving thoughts which may have been directed towards him by teachers or friends.
A point very strongly brought out in our investigations is the immense importance of the last thought in a man's mind as he sinks to sleep. This is a consideration which never occurs to the vast majority of people at all, yet it affects them physically, mentally, and morally.
We have seen how passive and how easily influenced man is during sleep; if he enters that state with his thought fixed upon high and holy things, he thereby draws round him the elementals created by like thought in others; his rest is peaceful, his mind open to impressions from above and closed to those from below, for he has set it working in the right direction.
If, on the contrary, he falls asleep with impure and earthly thoughts floating through his brain, he attracts to himself all the gross and evil creatures who come near him, while his sleep is troubled by the wild surgings of passion and desire which render him blind to the sights, deaf to the sounds, that come from higher planes.
We should therefore make a special point of raising our thoughts to the loftiest level of which we are capable before allowing ourselves to sink into slumber. For remember, through what seem at first but the portals of dream, entrance may perchance presently be gained into those grander realms where alone true vision is possible.
If one guides one's soul persistently upward, its inner senses will at last begin to unfold; the light within the shrine will burn brighter and brighter, until at last the full continuous consciousness comes, and then he will dream no more.
To lie down to sleep will no longer mean for him to sink into oblivion, but simply to step forth radiant, rejoicing, strong, into that fuller, nobler life where fatigue can never come - where the soul is always learning, even though all his time be spent in service; for the service is that of the great Masters of Wisdom, and the glorious task they set before him is to help ever to the fullest limit of his power in their never-ceasing work for the aiding and the guidance of the evolution of humanity.
From C. W. Leadbeater (1898) here.
Picture: Bank Pig. Enjoy capitalism.
Picture: Ben Bernanke suckling Jamie Dimon with fake Fed milk
The Ponzi pile funny numbers just keep getting bigger. How much more money isn't there?
The nominal value of all outstanding over-the-counter derivative contracts in the West is now reported to be between $1.2 quadrillion and $4.0 quadrillion. World Gross Domestic Product is around $75 trillion a year. Do you detect a slight problem with the mathematics?
A single US bank, JPMorganChase, is said to be concealing a fully-booked derivatives loss of between $70 trillion and $120 trillion. The market capitalisation of this bank is currently $128 billion. Wherever will Jamie Dimon find sympathetic auditors to massage his trading loss? And how much will he have to pay the people at the top of the rating agencies to keep quiet about his broken piggy bank?
Meanwhile, the US, which has always been the European bankers' main slave state, is being forced, by the City of London, to pay for the EuroCrash. The eventual bill will be paid by American tax payers and laundered through the US Federal Reserve system to European banks.
More developing global background here (05.06.12), here (02.06.12), here (30.05.12), here (28.05.12), here (22.05.12), here (14.05.12) and here (14.05.12).
Picture: Fakebook - the price of froth. Facebook Inc share price.
Picture: Ask and you will receive. St Germain. I AM the Ascension in the Light.
You always get that which you ask for if you ask for it with your Soul instead of your senses.
If you ask in words alone, you will not receive what you ask for because you have not asked God for it - you have asked your senses for it.
When, however, you have actually written your desire into your heartbeat, as some have automatically done all their lives, from moment to moment, you unfailingly acquire the knowledge you ask for.
It comes to you in a timeless flash, in the rhythmic language of Light which God uses to talk to His children.
Violinio Germain
Source: here (07.12 .93). Bible link here. And more about St Germain can be found here and here.
Picture: Jacob Zuma angry about picture of his genitals. Zapiro.
Picture: Jacob Zuma. I am going to sue for the right to my dignity. Cartoon.
Picture: Jacob Zuma angry at disclosures about his philandering. Zapiro.
Picture: Jacob Zuma. Sex scandals and corruption. Zapiro.
Picture: Jacob Zuma painting. Brett Murray. Thin-skinned ANC genitals.
On Friday 18th May 2012, at The Goodman Gallery in Johannesburg, South Africa, an art exhibition entitled "Hail to the Thief II" opened. It featured, among other items, a painting of Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa, by Brett Murray, a local hagioscopic artist.
The artwork, an acrylic on canvas, shown and annotated above, is called "The Spear". It depicts Jacob Zuma (70) with his executive qualifications prominently displayed south of the equator.
President Zuma, by all accounts a humble and God-fearing man, did not wish to have his modesty scattered broadcast in this un-African manner. Zuma and the African National Congress (ANC) instructed lawyers.
As sometimes happens within the rarefied demesne of South African jurisprudence, the lawyers injured themselves laughing. One even cried. The row, the subsequent ANC-orchestrated demonstration against the painting, and its publication by the Johannesburg City Press newspaper, ensured that the image and the subtext it articulated spread rapidly around the world.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday 23rd May 2012, in Harare, Zimbabwe, the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) stunned delegates at the World Federation of Democratic Youths General Council meeting by not acknowledging their ANC party leader and South African President, Jacob Zuma, when they delivered solidarity messages.
The Vice-president of the ANCYL, Ronald Lamola, in his introductory speech, publicly saluted African leaders such as Robert Mugabe, Joachim Chissano, Sam Nujoma and former ANC South African President, Thabo Mbeki, but pointedly refused to mention the "imperialist elder" Jacob Zuma.
More news background and comment here (25.05.12), here (25.05.12), here (24.05.12), here (24.05.12), here (24.05.12), here (24.05.12) and here (22.04.09).
Diamond Cross artefact manifested by Jesus in Berlin (Germany), February 2012.
Picture: Diamond Cross artefact manifested by Jesus in Berlin, February 2012.
In early February 2012, a resident in the German capital, Berlin, found a Diamond Cross hanging on the door handle on the outside of the front door of his flat. It was made of coloured thread and wood.
The artefact reminded him of the images of the Christ Star UFO which has been seen on multiple occasions in recent years, all over the world. Further research established that the Diamond Cross, pictured above, was manifested by Jesus himself.
The image of the Diamond Cross can be used in meditation to request blessings and healings directly from Jesus.
Source: downpage here (April 2012). A dated compilation of pictures of the Christ Star UFO can be viewed here. A YouTube video about the Star Sign phenomenon is here (10 mins). And more about meditation and related spiritual exercises can be found here.
AB comment: When élite-enforced establishment expressions of human religiosity latch on to benign figures within The Higher Evolution, different names are often used for the same individual. So it has been with the individual referred to as Christ by mainstream Western Churchianity. Older expressions of spirituality in the East refer to Christ as the Maitreya Buddha or Krishna. More recent monotheistic systems associated with the Mohammadan cultus refer to Christ as the Imam Mahdi. And within the right-hand path Western esoteric tradition, Christ is known as Maitreya, the World Teacher.
Picture: The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton. Camp David Human Clone Labs.
The use of human clones in American political management is only now beginning to become apparent. The last US President not to be cloned was John F. Kennedy.
Usually, when a President or major American public figure ceases to be compliant to the demands of the controlling corporate élite, they are quietly killed, cremated and replaced with lookalike, mind-controlled clones.
These days, at the Camp David human clone laboratories (Maryland) and elsewhere, it is possible to produce an adult human clone from originator DNA and a lab-double in less than 36 hours.
The history of this covert human cloning technology is now emerging. By the late 1970s, using monochromatic laser light technology, researchers within the Russian security community created a holographic apparatus which could record the entire memory of the living brain of a chosen human individual and store the data content of that brain on stable computer hardware.
The Russians used inaudible high-frequency sound waves to create a complete three-dimensional picture of the brain. They discovered that their ultrasonic cerebral hologram process duplicated and stored the entire memory of the person in a coherently recoverable form.
The Russians now had what they wanted to create working lab-clones for deployment. The same technique could be used to download someone else's memory into another (different) person, in this case a lab-double, and natural doubles could now be reprogrammed to take on the full memory database of the person being replaced.
Lab-doubles are generated using DNA infusion. Here the DNA of the person chosen to be duplicated is collected, amplified, processed and prepared for the infusion process into the new host body. The DNA infusion completely overrides the DNA of the living human host, physically transforming the host body into a visual replica of the chosen body. However, the residual host body DNA can still be detected, and identified, within the lab-double using sensitive DNA testing procedures.
Where do the human host bodies come from? They are harvested through covert kidnap, abduction and fake disappearance programmes. Many of the abducted human host bodies are those of children. And any of these abducted human hosts can be subjected to brain programming manipulation as well as to complete ultrasonic cerebral downloads.
In one curious incident, a Europe-controlled cell of US Rothschild minions within the US security community learned that the Russians were using duplicated clones for many of their leading Kremlin operatives. By this time the Americans had obtained similar brain programming and ultrasonic cerebral download abilities to the Russians. This technology had been fed to them from the Rothschild clone labs in Europe.
The US military tried to use identical US-controlled clones to penetrate the Kremlin. Kremlin lookalikes were produced in America and were secreted into Moscow via the US embassy.
However, the Russians were tipped off and became aware of the detail of the plan in advance. They let the US clones through into the Kremlin, downloaded their memories and programming and then reprogrammed them for Russian use.
The Americans became perplexed as to what had happened because their infiltrated Kremlin clones were not carrying out their US-programmed orders. It was an exotic case of double-agent meltdown. For sometime, nobody in the US knew which Russian clone was which. This engendered subtle difficulties for the Americans at international conferences.
More context and background here.
Picture: Down the vortex. Bank run in Spain. Bankia (BKIA). Madrid.
The new global gold-backed financial system is now actively supported by 140 nations and opposed by only 28. BRICS vs G5. Game over. Monaco Colloquium Group wins.
China, Russia, India, Brazil, South Africa and 135 other countries are now set-up to run the new asset-backed global financial system, and ditch the Old West's fiat-paper banking casino. Only the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy and the G5's shrinking group of slave states are holding out against the benevolent reforms.
The G5 slave states include certain Middle Eastern oil monarchies run by fake Muslims for the Sabbatean (Satanist) Nazi continuum. The Sabbatean bankers are slowly and irreversibly losing control of their three independent city states: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City.
The Sabbatean Satanists, closely associated with the Rothschild reptilian bloodline, originally emerged into view through the machinations of Sabbatai Zanth (Sabbatai Zevi 1626–1676) and his cabal in the seventeenth century. Zanth, a Jewish fake, was a self-proclaimed Jewish messiah who, for reasons of personal and operational expediency, converted to Islam while establishing his group in Ottoman Turkey.
Now, in 2012, the leading state sponsors of international terrorism are said to be: (1) Israel-AIPAC, (2) Iran, (3) US.
More about the Monaco Colloquium can be found here.
Picture: David Beckham 2012 Olympics Crossword. MI6 nuclear threat to Japan??
On Monday 14th May 2012, Benjamin Fulford, the English-language spokesman for the Asian White Dragon Society, reported from Japan (here) that he had received a threat from the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) encoded within the above image.
The image shows a newspaper crossword puzzle being completed by the English footballer, David Beckham, in a YouTube video here. The video is entitled: "The Official London 2012 Olympics Film - Sport at Heart".
Fulford explains that the crossword contains a threat to attack Japan with a five kiloton nuclear weapon, and that the threat is linked to the G5 Rothschild banking cartel.
The solution shown for crossword clue one across is "Japan", and the solution for five down is "kilts". The words "roars" and "power" are also visible in the image. The crossword puzzle can be found at the 2.55 point of the video.
Picture: Queen Elizabeth II. Chairman of Committee of 300 sighted in London.
Picture: Mervyn King. Oliver Letwin. Evelyn de Rothschild. Jacob Rothschild.
Smoke and mirrors in the heart of darkness. Mervyn King and the City of London Anglo-Zionist financial conspiracy. Iran PressTV steps up its disclosures of élite corruption in the G5 Western banking cartel. More here (05.05.12).
Picture: Kali Yuga countdown. Midnight, Friday 21st December 2012. Max Sauco.
Esoteric background here, here and here.
Picture: Binyamin Bernanke. The American face of a London-controlled puppet.
Picture: Bernanke. Gold as money. That which glisters returns to haunt the Fed.
Total amount of gold currently under contract to US Fed is 2.42 billion kilograms. Lease payments owed on this gold from 1961 to 2012 now total 4.64 billion kilograms of pure gold. Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds 1928 series and 1934 series. Bank of England / City of London / House of Rothschild are primary owners and controllers of US Fed. New York Fed is lynch-pin by which Bank of England, Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin, Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Warburg Bank of Hamburg & Amsterdam, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York Chase Manhattan, and Goldman Sachs (New York) provide the international mechanism enabling the G5 Western banking cartel to execute global banking domination to the manifest detriment of all other national governments and peoples. The Bank of Japan is an integral part of this élite money-laundering conspiracy.
Lien Claimants:
Neil Keenan/Lien Claimant as Settlor for Global Accounts
Keith Scott/Lien Claimant as Settlor for Global Accounts
C/- Notary Acceptor.
Name :
Address :
Lien Debtors:
Masaaki Shirakawa / Lien debtor,
dba, as Governor of Bank of Japan,
Bank of Japan
2-1-1 Nihonbashi-Hongokucho,
Chuo-ku,Tokyo 103-8660
Other PARTIES/Lien Debtors:
Hirofumi Nakasone
Junichiro Koizumi
Henry Kissinger
James Addison Baker III
Alan Greenspan
David Rockefeller Jr.
John Does 1-1000
1. The amount of gold under contract to the Federal Reserve system is 2,420,937,400 kilograms.
2. The lease payments on this gold is payable at the rate of 4% per annum. Total owed starting in 1961 through 2012 is 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
3. Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds, series of 1928 and series of 1934.
4. Proof of the interest obligation is further demonstrated by the issue of international currencies that have been issued to the Holders of the Gold Accounts, but against the Federal Reserve Bonds.
5. The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned and had to be surrendered to the State.
6. The World States combined the bullion into a single, central deposit whereby all countries would have equitable access.
7. The gold is actually owned by Governments through their Ministry of Finance.
8. In 1948, under UN Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1. (Monetary Controller) and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee.
9. It is deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These Trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates.
10. The Mandates have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
11. The owners of the gold and other assets leased to the Federal Reserve system between 1928 and 1968 at a 4% per annum rental fee have never received substantive payment since 1928 until today. They have been constantly tricked and deceived.
12. All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets making fortunes for themselves or otherwise benefitting from the illegal use of these accounts.
13. The Federal Reserve System is a privately owned banking system and all debts of that private banking system beyond the value held in gold is the obligation of the Federal Reserve System only and is not a debt obligation of the people of the United States of America.
14. Bank of England / City of London / House of Rothschild / are the primary owners and controllers of the Federal Reserve System who act as the actual principals of the Bank of Japan.
15. New York Federal Reserve for all practical purposes is the lynch-pin by which the Bank of England, together with partners, Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris; Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy; Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York Chase Manhattan; and Goldman, Sachs of New York provides an international mechanism by which the international bankers execute their plans of Global Domination and Bank of Japan is an integral part of this conspiracy.
16. Owners, Shareholders, Directors/Executive Officers and Bonding Companies of the Bank of Japan are deemed lien debtors collectively and severally.
17. Bank of Japan has tolerated, allowed and participated abuse of Lien Claimants and the theft of funds belonging to Lien Claimant by the Lien Debtors Hirofumi Nakasone, Junichiro Koizumi, Henry Kissinger, James Addison Baker III, Alan Greenspan, David Rockefeller Jr. and John Does 1-1000.
18. For gold leased to the Bank of Japan, said Bank of Japan has caused to be printed and issued Japanese Yen Bank Notes and Bonds which were given as evidence of the debt obligations of the Bank of Japan and accepted by the Lien Claimant to be returned to Bank of Japan for settlement and closure.
19. The Bank of Japan has failed to redeem for value any of these British Pound notes and or Bonds that are due and payable in substance on presentment.
20. The Lien Claimant requires without prejudice to further claims, to return for immediate settlement and closure, the amount of Two Hundred Trillion Japanese Yen to be paid in substantive value.
Proof of Allegations:
1. The amount of gold in the Federal Reserve system is 2,420,937,400 kilograms.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
2. The lease payments on this gold is payable at the rate of 4% per annum. Total owed starting in 1961 through 2012 is 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
3. Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds, series of 1928 and series of 1934.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
4. Proof of the interest obligation is further demonstrated by the issue of international currencies that have been issued to the Holders of the Gold Accounts, but issued against the Federal Reserve Bonds,
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
5. The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned and had to be surrendered to the State.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
6. The States combined the bullion into a single, central deposit whereby all countries would have equitable access.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
7. The gold is actually owned by Governments through their Ministry of Finance.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
8. In 1948, under UN Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1. (Monetary Controller) and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
9. It is deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These Trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
10. The Mandates known as the Amanah have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil Francis Keenan and Keith F. Scott
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
11. The owners of the gold and other assets leased to the Federal Reserve system between 1928 and 1968 at a 4% per annum rental fee have never received substantive payment since 1928 until today. They have been constantly tricked and deceived.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
12. Persons from several organizations or persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets making fortunes for themselves.
ANSWER: [If no response allegation is affirmed.]
13. All unpaid value beyond equal value of the gold leased to the Federal Reserve is the liability and responsibility of the Federal Reserve System and their affiliated banks Worldwide only, a privately owned banking system, and is not an obligation of the American People or the United States of America.
ANSWER [If no response the allegation is confirmed]
14. Bank of England / City of London / House of Rothschild / Queen Elizabeth II via Bank of England are part owners and primary controllers of the Federal Reserve System using their command of the New York Federal Reserve Bank in furtherance of their goals of manipulation of financial markets and the establishment of their New World Order.
ANSWER [if no response the allegation is confirmed]
15. New York Federal Reserve for all practical purposes is the lynch-pin by which the Bank of England, together with partners, Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin; Lazard Brothers Banks of Paris; Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy; Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam; Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York; Chase Manhattan; and Goldman, Sachs of New York provides an international mechanism by which the international bankers execute their plans of Global Domination , in furtherance of which, the Bank of Japan is a willing and obvious participant.
ANSWER [if no response the allegation is confirmed]
16. Owners, Shareholders, Directors/Executive Officers and Bonding Companies of the Bank of Japan are deemed lien debtors collectively and severally.
ANSWER [If no response the allegation is confirmed]
17. Bank of Japan has tolerated, allowed and participated in the abuse of Lien Claimants and the theft of funds belonging to Lien Claimant by the Lien Debtors Hirofumi Nakasone, Junichiro Koizumi, Henry Kissinger, James Addison Baker III, Alan Greenspan, David Rockefeller Jr. and John Does 1-1000. Lien Claimants demand the amount of One Hundred Trillion Japanese Yen in substantive payment as compensation for losses incurred by these illicit activities.
ANSWER [if no response the allegation is confirmed]
18. For gold leased to the Bank of Japan, said Bank of Japan has caused to be printed and issued Japanese Yen Bank Notes and Bonds which were given as evidence of the debt obligations of the Bank of Japan and accepted by the Lien Claimant to be returned to Bank of Japan for settlement and closure.
ANSWER [If no response the allegation is confirmed]
19. The Bank of Japan has failed to redeem for value any of these Japanese Yen notes and or Bonds that are due and payable in substance on presentment.
ANSWER [If no response the allegation is confirmed]
20. The Lien Claimant requires without prejudice to further claims, to return for value and immediate settlement and closure, the amount of Two Hundred Trillion Japanese Yen in Bank Notes and or Bonds to be paid in value of substance.
ANSWER [If no response allegation is affirmed]
Ledgering and True Bill:
The ledger for this True Bill is based on the face value of Japanese Yen Bank Notes and or Bonds currently held by Lien Claimant. Said Notes and or Bonds were caused to be issued by the Bank of Japan and were in good faith by Lien Claimant ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and Lien Claimant herewith demands they be RETURNED FOR VALUE.
Further the ledger for this True Bill is based on losses and damages to the Lien Claimants , including exemplary and punitive damages caused by collusion and conspiracy of the Bank of Japan with other Lien Debtors as set forth herein, such damages claimed being the amount of One Hundred Trillion Japanese Yen
Japanese Notes and or Bonds to be returned at value for settlement and closure : The Sum of Two Hundred Trillion Japanese Yen (JY200,000,000,000,000).
Claim for damages and losses : The sum of One Hundred Trillion Japanese Yen (JP100,000,000,000,000.00)
Thus claim is calculated at:
Total: JY300,000,000,000,000.oo
Demand is now made for Lien Debtors jointly and severally to deliver over to Lien Claimants full payment thereof in value of substance.
Any and all accounts, bonds, securities, profits, proceeds, fixtures, assets owned/managed by the Bank of Japan at any location and /or at any Banks under control of Bank of Japan.
I, Neil Francis Keenan, certify on my own unlimited commercial liability do state that I have read the above Affidavit of Obligation and do know the contents to be true, correct, complete and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law [see 18 USC 4 misprision of felony].
Neil Francis Keenan/Lien Claimant as Settlor
On this date, 26th day of April, 2012, we the undersigned witnessed the affixing the above signature by Neil Francis Keenan in our presence and he attested to the truth of this affidavit.
Signed at Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Name: Stanley Hoop (Passport No: NPK2J66P0)
Name: Frank A Amadeo (Passport No: 096682217)
I, Keith Francis Scott, certify on my own full commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit and do know the contents to be true, correct, complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law [see 18 USC 4 misprision of felony].
Keith Francis Scott, Claimant as Settlor
On this date, April 17, 2012 we the undersigned witnessed the affixing the above signature by Keith Francis Scott in our presence and he attested to the truth of this affidavit.
Signed at Jakarta, Indonesia.
Name: Martha Wibawa (Passport No: A 1059331)
Name: Rachmat Mulyadi (Passport No: A1059329)
Affidavit of Obligation. Commercial Lien. (This is a verified plain statement of fact)
Maxims: All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Truth as a valid statement of reality is sovereign in commerce. An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce. An unrebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgement in commerce.
Guaranteed - All men shall have a remedy by the due course of law. If a remedy does not exist, or if the existing remedy has been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves and endow it with credibility by expressing it in their affidavit. (Ignorance of the law might be an excuse, but it is not a valid reason for the commission of a crime when the law is easily and readily available to anyone making a reasonable effort to study the law.) All corporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Liens and Commercial Distresses, hence, governments cannot exercise the power to expunge commercial processes.
The Legitimate Political Power of a corporate entity is absolutely dependent upon its possession of Commercial Bonds against Public Hazard, because no Bond means no responsibility, means no power of Official signature, means no real corporate political power, means no privilege to operate statutes as the corporate vehicle. The Corporate Legal Power is secondary to Commercial Guarantors. Case law is not a responsible substitute for a Bond.
Municipal corporations which include cities, counties, states and national governments have no commercial reality without bonding of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects (the execution of its rulings).
In commerce, it is a felony for the Officer of a Political/Public Office to not receive and report a Claim to its Bonding Company, and it is a felony for the agent of a Bonding Company to not pay the Claim. If a Bonding Company does not get a malfeasant public official prosecuted for criminal malpractice within sixty (60) days then it must pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien process (at 90 days) Except for a Jury, it is also a fatal offense for any person, even a Judge, to impair or to expunge, without a Counter-Affidavit, any Affidavit or any commercial process based upon an Affidavit.
Judicial non-jury commercial judgments and orders originate from a limited liability entity called a municipal corporation, hence must be reinforced by a Commercial Affidavit and a Commercial Liability Bond. A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without a commercial bond is a violation of commercial law.
Governments cannot make unbonded rulings or statutes which control commerce, free enterprise citizens, or sole proprietorships without suspending commerce by a general declaration of martial law. It is tax fraud to use Courts to settle a dispute/controversy which could be settled peacefully outside of or without the Court.
An official (officer of the court, policeman, etc.) must demonstrate that he/she is individually bonded in order to use a summary process. An official who impairs, debauches, voids or abridges an obligation of contract or the effect of a commercial lien without proper cause, becomes a lien debtor and his/her property becomes forfeited as the pledge to secure the lien. Pound breach (breach of impoundment) and rescue is a felony.
It is against the law for a Judge to summarily remove, dismiss, dissolve or diminish a Commercial Lien. Only the Lien Claimant or a Jury can dissolve a commercial lien. Notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice to agent.
All officials are required by federal, state, and municipal law to provide the name, address and telephone number of their public hazard and malpractice bonding company and the policy number of the bond and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance. Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and limited liability insurance fraud (15 USC) and is prim-a-facie evidence and grounds to impose a lien upon the official personally to secure their public oath and service of office.
Picture: Palestinian protest outside Ofer military prison, Ramallah. May 2012.
Picture: Islam. Arabic. You are a big boy. Do you want me to come out and play?
The Masque of Islam. Why do Muslim men hate Muslim women? And in the Arab world, why is Islam so bad at sex?
Ninety per cent of women who have ever been married in Egypt have had their genitals mutilated in the name of Muslim modesty. Not one Arab country is in the top one hundred nations as ranked by gender equality. Saudi Arabian women have been prosecuted for daring to drive a car. In Sudan, women are lashed for wearing trousers.
A timely call for sexual revolution and liberation across the Arab world has been issued by the American-Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy. She argues that Arab men hate Arab women, and it shows in the manifest subjugation of women in countries such as Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia.
The pulsating heart of misogyny in the Middle East has barely been touched by the Arab Spring, despite the fact that women were, and are, prominent in fomenting that necessary and ongoing political revolution.
There are only eight women in Egypt's new five hundred seat parliament. There is not one single female presidential candidate. Domestic violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation are still part of the status quo across a region covering more than twenty countries and three hundred and fifty million people.
After the many Western-manipulated Arab Spring uprisings, all is still considered well with the world so long as women are covered up, anchored to the home, denied the simple mobility of getting into their own cars, forced to get permission from men to travel, and unable to marry or divorce without the blessing of a male minder.
An entire political and economic system, one that treats half of humanity like animal sex-slaves, Eltahawy suggests, must be destroyed along with the other more obvious tyrannies choking off the region from its future. Until the rage shifts from the Arab oppressors in their presidential palaces to the Arab oppressors on the street and in Arab homes, the Arab revolution has hardly even begun.
Some Arab opinion-formers take issue with Mona Eltahawy and argue that the core problem is not about Arab men hating Arab women; rather it is about monotheistic religions such as Islam, Judaism and Churchianity hating women. These systematised spiritual fascisms, at least in their orthodox expressions, continually reinforce patriarchal standards and patterns which have become anachronistic and historically quaint. There is no harmony possible between monotheism and women's rights. The core teachings of these man-machinations deliberately deny women their human dignity and their human rights.
But there is an Arab in the wood pile here. Many inarticulate and uneducated Arab women appear to support such negative notions of femininity. They endorse the alpha male machinations, reinforcing the patriarchal system, obedience, submission and unquestioning financial dependence. There are many Arab women who do not believe in women playing a role in business or demanding their political rights. And this is as much for cultural, as for religious, reasons.
In Lebanon, the law still discriminates against women. There is no law that protects women from domestic violence. A husband can violate his wife, and even rape her, and there is no legal safeguard to protect her. It was only two months ago that Lebanon passed a draft law that banned honour killings. Before then, if a father or brother thought a woman from his family was seeing another man, he could kill her and would spend no more than two months in jail.
Some modern, educated, Arab women think that Mona Eltahawy is overusing the word "hate" in her analysis. They point out that many Arab men are repressed too. It is not hatred of women, but fear of women which is the primary cause of patriarchal Islamic anti-femininity.
There is a lot of unaddressed frustration among men in the Arab world. This begins with sexual frustration and the frustration of not being able to speak out freely in Muslim cultures, and ends with the rage of having no realistic political freedoms or options.
An acknowledged problem within many Arab societies, still, is a paralysing absence, through religious indoctrination, of any developed kind of emotional intelligence. Arab women are in love with their sons instead of their husbands, and Arab men are in love with their mothers instead of their wives. On Arab Street, if you are a woman without a son, Allah has no use for you.
Major military standoff in South China Sea over custody of physical gold hoards. Russia, China, Philippines and rogue faction US warships involved. Egypt cuts off natural gas supplies to Israel. Turkey kicks Israel out of NATO Chicago summit. George Soros launches all-out war against German Bundesbank.
A major military stand-off is taking place in the South China Sea and the Philippines over control of historical gold deposits in the region. A fleet of eight rogue-element US warships is being confronted by a joint Chinese/Russian fleet. The Chinese have publicly announced that they are willing to go to war over the dispute.
US military personnel are said to be systematically and forcibly searching old bunkers and cave systems in the Philippines for long-hidden Asian-owned gold reserves. Repeated intimidation of the local population has been reported.
The US warships are positioned to receive the seized physical gold hoards. These are wanted by the Western G5 banking cartel acting through its US Fed proxy.
The location of the military standoff is the Scarborough Shoal / Huangyan Islands area. The conflict is linked to the failed IMF and World Bank meetings which took place in Washington DC in the third week of April 2012.
The mainstream media cover story for the attempted US state-sponsored gold heist in the Philippines is that annual US-Philippine war games are underway on and around the western island of Palawan. A London-based example of such reportage can be found here (25.04.12).
In the Middle East, on Sunday 22nd April 2012, it emerged that Egyptian energy companies have terminated a deal to supply Israel with natural gas. Israel relies on Egypt for forty percent of its natural gas supply. Israeli Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz expressed great concern about the situation, saying that it set a dangerous precedent which cast a shadow over the peace agreements and peaceful atmosphere between Egypt and Israel.
In Europe, speaking at the NATO meeting in Brussels during the third week of April 2012, the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu made it clear that Ankara was blocking Israel’s participation in a key NATO summit in Chicago on the 20th and 21st May 2012.
Turkey is insisting that Israel must first apologise for the killings of Turkish citizens in a raid on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla on Monday 31st May 2010. Israeli commandos unlawfully attacked the humanitarian aid-carrying boats in Mediterranean international waters. "There will be no Israeli presence at the NATO meeting unless they issue a formal apology and pay compensation for the Turkish citizens their commandos killed in international waters,” a senior Turkish official told the Turkish daily newspaper Hürriyet.
George Soros, meanwhile, has been actively briefing against the German Bundesbank in a series of newspaper interviews in Europe. Soros said that if he were still an active investor, he would now bet against the Euro. The Euro threatens to destroy the European Union. European political and financial leaders are leading Europe to its ruin by trying to impose inappropriate rules.
The introduction of the Euro, Soros argues, has led to divergence instead of bringing about convergence. The most fragile countries of the EuroZone have discovered that they are in a Third World situation, as if they were indebted in a foreign currency. There is a real risk of multiple sovereign defaults. Trying to make these countries respect austerity rules that don’t work just makes matters worse. The European authorities, particularly in Germany, do not understand this.
More details here (29.04.12), here (25.04.12), here (23.04.12), here (22.04.12) and here (19.04.12). Developing geopolitical background here (01.05.12), here (16.04.12), here (12.04.12), here (12.04.12) and here (10.04.12).
Picture: G5 Western banking cartel. Global Debt Forgiveness is inevitable.
Each and every time a bank makes a loan (or purchases securities), new bank credit is created - new deposits - brand new money.
Graham F. Towers
The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled.
John Kenneth Galbraith
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that banks can and do create money .... and they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments
and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.
Reginald McKenna
Our national circulating medium is now at the mercy of loan transactions of banks, which lend, not money, but promises to supply money they do not possess.
Irving Fisher
That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.
Marriner S. Eccles
Everyone sub-consciously knows banks do not lend money. When you draw on your savings account, the bank doesn't tell you you can't do this because it has lent the money to somebody else.
Mark Mansfield
If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash, or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless situation is almost incredible, but there it is.
Robert Hemphill
One thing to realize about our fractional reserve banking system is that, like a child’s game of musical chairs, as long as the music is playing, there are no losers.
Andrew Gause
I have never yet had anyone who could, through the use of logic and reason, justify the Federal Government borrowing the use of its own money. I believe the time will come when people will demand that this be changed. I believe the time will come in this country when they will actually blame you and me and everyone else connected with the Congress for sitting idly by and permitting such an idiotic system to continue.
Wright Patman
Money is a new form of slavery, and distinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal, that there is no human relation between master and slave.
Leo Tolstoy
The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.
Josiah Stamp
Throughout the ages, the devices of cunning men have turned money to their nefarious purposes. Money, beginning with private enterprise as a means of escaping the limitation of barter, soon developed the cheat to exploit the honest trader who, in an effort to protect himself, turned to government for protection, only to find that now he had two thieves, the private money changer and the political plunderer working hand in glove against him. By this combination the money changer gained the prestige of political sanction through legislative license and the state secured a deceptive device for laying taxes upon the citizenry by means of the hidden tax called inflation. It was and remains a vicious alliance.
All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.
John Adams
Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of all industry and commerce, and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.
James A. Garfield
The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity.
Abraham Lincoln
Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes that nation's laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation. Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognised as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.
William Lyon Mackenzie King
For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
David Rockefeller
Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.
Marshall McLuhan
The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans.
Benjamin Disraeli
In March 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together twelve men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press. They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of twenty five of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached. The policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month. An editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.
Oscar Callaway
The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen. At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties.
John F. Hylan
From the days of Spartacus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg, and Emma Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
Winston Churchill
The government of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, had passed into the invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp. It was, I venture to suggest, this semi-occult power which pushed the mass of the American people into the cauldron of World War I.
J.F.C. Fuller
For a long time I felt that Franklin Delano Roosevelt had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But he didn't. Most of his thoughts, his political ammunition, as it were, were carefully manufactured for him in advanced by the Council on Foreign Relations, the One World Money group. Brilliantly, with great gusto, like a fine piece of artillery, he exploded that prepared ammunition in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people, and thus paid off and returned his internationalist political support. The UN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power. The depression was the calculated shearing of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market. The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the US via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.
Curtis Dall
A definite factor in getting a lie believed is the size of the lie. The broad mass of the people, in the simplicity of their hearts, more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.
Adolf Hitler
It seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.
Aldous Huxley
I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want him to. Just let me control television. You put something on the television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it like the TV set images.
Hal Becker
Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.
Richard Salant
The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the worlds' central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups.
Carroll Quigley
There is a small circle of men who control the world's finance. Each member, before initiation, knows its religion to be reward for friends and extermination of enemies.
Once a man is within the magic circle, punishment for disloyalty is sure and terrible, and in no corner of the Earth can he escape it, nor can any power on Earth protect him from it.
Thomas Lawson
Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are moulded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.
Walter Bernays
I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology. Various results will soon be arrived at. The influence of home is obstructive. The science of psychology will be diligently studied, but it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen. Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve this result in a generation. There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy. One is religion, the other is nationalism. A scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government.
Bertrand Russell
If two parties, instead of being a bank and an individual, were an individual and an individual, they could not inflate the circulating medium by a loan transaction, for the simple reason that the lender could not lend what he didn't have, as banks can do. Only commercial banks and trust companies can lend money that they manufacture by lending it.
Irving Fisher
The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.
John Kenneth Galbraith
The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.
John Emerich Edward Acton
Commercial banks create chequebook money whenever they grant a loan, simply by adding new deposit dollars in accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower’s IOU. Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing.
Ralph M. Hawtrey
The decrease in purchasing power incurred by holders of money due to inflation imparts gains to the issuers of money.
St Louis Federal Reserve Bank
The entire world economy rests on the consumer. If he ever stops spending money he doesn't have on things he doesn't need, we're done for.
Bill Bonner
With the monetary system we have now, the careful saving of a lifetime can be wiped out in an eyeblink.
Larry Parks
When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.
Napoleon Bonaparte
I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket.
Smedley Darlington Butler
There is nothing left now for us but to get ever deeper and deeper into debt to the banking system in order to provide the increasing amounts of money the nation requires for its expansion and growth. Our money system is nothing better than a confidence trick. The Money Power which has been able to overshadow ostensibly responsible government is not the power of the merely ultra-rich, but is nothing more or less than a new technique to destroy money by adding and withdrawing figures in bank ledgers, without the slightest concern for the interests of the community or the real role money ought to perform therein. To allow it to become a source of revenue to private issuer's is to create, first, a secret and illicit arm of government and, last, a rival power strong enough to ultimately overthrow all other forms of government. An honest money system is the only alternative.
Frederick Soddy
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.
Frederic Bastiat
The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing.
William Paterson
Banking doesn’t involve fraud, banking IS fraud.
Tim Madden
Money does not pay for anything, never has, never will. It is an economic axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid for only with goods and services.
Albert Jay Nock
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.
Cree Indian Proverb
When the people of the world have a common monetary language, completely freed from every government, it will so facilitate and stabilize exchange that peace and prosperity will ensue even without world government. A union of peoples rather than a union of political governments is what this world needs.
Money is the measure by which goods are valued, the value by which goods are exchanged, and in which contracts are made payable. Every thing receives a value from its use, and the value is raised, according to its quality, quantity and demand. Money is not the value for which goods are exchanged, but the value by which they are exchanged.
John Law
As long as we cling to the superstition that we must look to government for money supply, instead of requiring it to look to us, just so long must we remain the subjects of government, and it is vain to follow this or that policy or party or ism in the hope of salvation. We can control government and our own destiny only through our money power and until we exert that power it is useless for us to debate the pros and cons of political programs. To trade goods and services is a natural right of all people. To issue the money necessary to make these exchanges is also the natural right of all people who are intelligent enough to do so. We need not beg for money. We do not need to be money slaves. We can be money masters.
In nature's economy the currency is not money, it is life.
Vandana Shiva
Sources, further links and explication here.
Picture: Why is church so serious? Pope with playing card.
News reportage here (19.04.12), here (18.04.12) and here (18.04.12).
Picture: 99% People. 1% Prix. Bahrain F1GP 2012. Ecclestone.
News reportage here (22.04.12), here (21.04.12), here (20.04.12), here (20.04.12), here (20.04.12), here (20.04.12) and here (19.04.12).
Stories sourced from intelligence conduits in Japan indicate that the purge of Western G5 banking cartel agents in China, most visible in the Bo Xilai case referenced further down this page, may have reached the very top of the Chinese Communist Party.
On Tuesday 3rd April 2012, the English language spokesman of the Asian White Dragon Society, Benjamin Fulford, said: "In what may be a related development, there appears to have been a régime change in China because Xi Xinping, the man widely assumed to be the next president of China has not appeared on the official Chinese Xinhua news site since March 31st, while his erstwhile rival, Li Keqiang, is being given massive coverage. This is only one of many signs of massive changes in planetary governance." (second paragraph here)
Then, two weeks later, on Monday 16th April 2012, Fulford reiterated this general assessment: "In China as well, there are signs of major change. As noted before, all the top leaders such as Xi Xinping who were supposed to take over the government this year have vanished from the pages of the official Xinhua government news site in April. Clearly some sort of coup d’état can now be confirmed to have taken place there even though the Western corporate news corps is still only focused on Bo Xilai. The Bo investigation has definitely gone far beyond him." (thirteenth paragraph here)
Fulford is spelling the Chinese Vice President's name as Xi Xinping, whereas Western news outlets, and the official Chinese government sites such as Xinhua, are spelling his name (in their English language pages) as Xi Jinping.
The idea that Xi Jinping has been expunged from the news record since the end of March 2012, is difficult to sustain. Here, for example, is a widely distributed agency photograph of Xi at an official Chinese government meeting with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish Prime Minister, in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, on Tuesday 10th April 2012.
And the English language version of the Xinhua website provides a news list of official engagements fulfilled by Xi Jinping in Beijing in recent days. These include a meeting on Friday 13th April 2012 with the Vietnamese army chief, Do Ba Ty, a photocall on the same day with the heads of delegations attending the seventh meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the Chinese capital, and a meeting on Tuesday 17th April 2012 with the Tunisian Foreign Minister, Rafik Abdessalem.
More Xinhua reportage can be found here.
Picture: You can pretend. Barbie commits suicide by hanging herself.
Picture: Did Mali lose Timbuktu because NATO saved Benghazi?
The intentional misreading of UN Security Council Resolution 1973 resulted in NATO's violent, though predictable, Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya last year. Not only did the action cost many thousands of lives and untold destruction, it also paved the way for perpetual conflict - not only in Libya, but throughout the North African region.
Mali was the first major victim of NATO's intervention in Libya. It is now a staple in world news, and headlines such as "The Mess in Mali" serve as a mere reminder of a bigger African mess.
On Thursday 17th March 2011, resolution 1973 resolved to establish a no-fly zone over Libya. On 19 March, NATO's bombers began scorching Libyan land, supposedly to prevent a massacre of civilians. The next day, an ad-hoc High Level African Union Panel on Libya met in Nouakchott, the capital of Mauritania, and made one last desperate call to bring NATO's war to an immediate halt. It stated: "Our desire is that Libya's unity and territorial integrity be respected as well as the rejection of any kind of foreign military intervention."
The African Union (AU) is almost never considered a viable political player by the UN, NATO or any interventionist Western power. But despite lacking in efforts to effectively challenge NATO's war assignment in Africa, AU members were fully aware that NATO was barely concerned with human rights or the well-being of African nations. They also knew that instability in one African country can lead to major instabilities throughout the region. Various North African regions are glued together by a delicate balance - due to the messy colonial legacy inherited from colonial powers - and Mali is no exception.
"Is this all NATO's fault?" asked Dan Murphy in the Christian Science Monitor. "Not exactly. But the law of unintended consequences is (as usual) rearing its head. In this case, the successful popular uprising against Muammar Gaddafi's regime in Libya, which was substantially aided by the air power of NATO members, has sent Mali tumbling back into chaos, something that neither France nor the US (two of the major backers of the war to oust Gaddafi) are happy about."
It is perhaps too early to talk about winners and losers in the Mali fiasco, which was triggered on Thursday 22nd March 2012 by a military coup led by Army Captain Amadou Haya Sanogo. The coup created political space for the Tuaregs' National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA) to declare independence in the north a mere two weeks later. The declaration was the culmination of quick military victories by MNLA and its militant allies, which led to the capture of Gao and other major towns. These successive developments further emboldened Islamic and other militant groups to seize cities across the country and hold them hostage to their ideological and other agendas. Ansar Al-Din, for example, had reportedly worked in tandem with the MNLA, but declared a war "against independence" and "for Islam" as soon as it secured its control over Timbuktu.
More groups and more arms are now pouring through the ever-porous borders with Mauritania, Algeria and Niger. Al-Tawhid wa Al-Jihad, along with Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) are now making their moves across Mali. New alliances are being formed, and new emirates are being declared, making Mali a potential stage for numerous permanent conflicts.
"Did Mali lose Timbuktu because NATO saved Benghazi?" asks Gregory Mann in Foreign Policy. "It is undeniable that, as a consequence of the Libyan campaign, a stronger, more intense insurgency in the Malian Sahara was not only predictable but predicted. Everyone who was watching saw it coming from afar."
Speaking to The Guardian, former UN regional envoy Robert Fowler railed against NATO: "Whatever the motivation of the principal NATO belligerents (in ousting Gaddafi), the law of unintended consequences is exacting a heavy toll in Mali today and will continue to do so throughout the Sahel as the vast store of Libyan weapons spreads across this, one of the most unstable regions of the world."
Considering that the inevitability of post-Libya destabilisation was obvious to so many from the start, why the insistence on referencing a law of unintended consequences?
Even chaos has its own logic. For several years, and especially since the establishment of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) in 2008, much meddling has taken place in various parts of Africa.
Writing in Foreign Policy, Mann pointed out that Sanogo, the leader of the coup in Mali, "had American military training, and briefly affected a US Marine Corps lapel pin." He said that these details "are surely less important than the stunning fact that a decade of American investment in Special Forces training, cooperation between Sahalien armies and the United States, and counterterrorism programmes of all sorts run by both the State Department and the Pentagon has, at best, failed to prevent a new disaster in the desert and, at worst, sowed its seeds."
The details are hardly less important, considering that Sanogo called for international military intervention against the newly declared Tuareg republic, referencing Afghanistan as model.
True, regional African countries and international institutions have strongly objected to both the military coup in the capital Barnako, and the declaration of independence by the Tuaregs in the north, but that may prove irrelevant after all. The Azawad succession appears permanent, and the US, although it suspended part of the aid to Mali following the junta's takeover, has not severed all ties with Sanogo. After all, he too claims to be fighting Al-Qaeda and their allies.
It is difficult to believe that despite years of US-French involvement in Mali and surrounding region, the bedlam wasn't, at the very least, predicted. The US position regarding the coup was precarious. "The Obama administration has not yet made a formal decision as to whether a military coup has taken place in Mali," wrote John Glaster at Per US military definitions, this is still a "mutiny, not a 'coup'", and US army personnel - referred to as 'advisory troops' - were in fact dispatched to Bamako after the 22nd March 2012, according a statement by Nicole Dalrymple, an AFRICOM spokeswoman.
What is clear is that the mess in Mali might be an opportunity for another intervention, which mainstream media sources are already rationalising. A Washington Post editorial on the 5th April 2012 counselled: "NATO partners should perceive a moral obligation, as well as a tangible national security interest, in restoring Mali's previous order. The West should not allow its intervention in Libya to lead to the destruction of democracy - and entrenchment of Islamic militants - in a neighboring state."
Unintended consequences? Hardly.
Source here (12.04.12). Background news and commentary here (12.04.12) and here (12.04.12).
Picture: Logo of the April 6th Youth Movement in Egypt.
Picture: Omar Suleiman. Egypt. مرشح الشيطان The candidate of Satan.
The fissiparous political illiteracy of the Islamic activist movements in Egypt is legendary. It has now reached a level which may succeed in handing the Egyptian Presidency to yet another tame puppet of the G5 Western banking cartel.
Omar Suleiman (75) looks well-placed to exploit the Islamist confusions. "The candidate of Satan" (مرشح الشيطان) is understood to be an intelligence asset of both Mossad and the CIA. Suleiman is the West's favourite torture master in the Middle East.
As a long-standing friend and confidant of the Mubarak family, and of many members of the current Tantawi soft-coup junta (SCAF), Suleiman's star is rising again. An expedient Damascene conversion to the benefits of a managed revolution appears to be endearing him to the credulous. In the divisive maggot broth of post-Mubarak Egypt, "managed revolution" equals "unrevolution".
Situation update here (14.04.12). And more Egyptian political background can be found here (12.04.12), here (11.04.12), here (10.04.12), here (10.04.12) and here (10.04.12).Picture: The libraries do not fool us.
Truth cannot be poured into words;
The function of words is to disable truth.
Think of any dogma
Or creed
Or catechism
Or systematic theology.
And creeds
And catechisms
And systematic theologies
Don't even tell us about yesterday's
Illusions of truth,
Let alone today's.
The point is
That truth cannot be accumulated,
And repetition is not truth.
That's what words try to do:
Words try to accumulate stuff called truth
And repeat stuff called truth
And assert stuff called truth
Until it bores everyone to death.
But real truth doesn't bore everyone to death;
Real truth excites everyone to life.
And anyway, language mutates
And words fail to contain
Because truth is too slippery
And changing
For words to hold.
But truth can never be mislaid
Because it is only found
In the present moment,
In a fleeting microdot
Of personally experienced
Or tears.
A second's tears
Contain more truth
Than a century's libraries.
Thus we are confident to claim that
The libraries do not fool us
And that they cannot be used
Against us
By the ancient
Of dust and deception.
Picture: Living text entity. The Name of the Rose.
Picture: Don't shoot the messenger. In Memoriam - Dimitris Christoulas.
Picture: In Memoriam - Dimitris Christoulas. Athens, Greece. 5th April 2012.
The full text of Dimitris Christoulas's suicide note read as follows:
"The Tsolakoglou government has annihilated all traces for my survival, which was based on a very dignified pension that I alone paid for 35 years with no help from the state."
"And since my advanced age does not allow me a way of dynamically reacting (although if a fellow Greek were to grab a Kalashnikov, I would be right behind him), I see no other solution than this dignified end to my life, so I don’t find myself fishing through garbage cans for my sustenance."
"I believe that young people with no future will one day take up arms and hang the traitors of this country at Syntagma square, just like the Italians did to Mussolini in 1945."
Background and commentary here (07.04.12), here (06.04.12), here (05.04.12), here (05.04.12), here (05.04.12), here (05.04.12) and here (05.04.12).
Picture: Emergency chocolate cake pictures
Picture: Platonic relationship with chocolate. Plato with early chocolate bar.
Picture: European bloodlines face end-time vortex of exposure
Picture: Queen Elizabeth II. Stolen from Isis. A crown.
Picture: Alexander Romanov message to Queen Elizabeth about crown of Isis.
Picture: Alexander Romanov. Current heir to Russian throne. Gnostic Illuminati.
The Gnostic Illuminati powergroup is of ancient lineage, and through its spokesman, Alexander Romanov (Romanoff), claims to have initiated the American Revolution (1775–83), the French Revolution (1787–1799) and the Russian Revolution (1917). A smaller but related group, The Black Hand Society, led by one of Romanov's close relations, is said to have sparked off The First World War with the assassination of the Hapsburg heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, in Sarajevo, Bosnia, on Sunday 28th June 1914.
Alexander Romanov (another picture here) is understood to be the eldest grandson of Anastasia Romanov and the great grandson of Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov (Tsar Nicholas II of Russia).
Contrary to Soviet-era manufactured histories, Anastasia Romanov escaped death during the revolution against her family in Russia, was quietly secreted into what became Yugoslavia, and lived a long, covert and protected life there.
Alexander Romanov, the current heir to the throne of Russia, is also an unrecorded nephew of Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England).
On Tuesday 27th March 2012, on YouTube here (14.12 - 14.23), Alexander Romanov, speaking from Japan, broadcast a message to Queen Elizabeth II of England directly: "Aunt Elizabeth, Isis is very upset. She wants her crown back."
More background here (27.03.12 - YouTube video - 15 mins), here (27.03.12), here (20.02.12) and here (07.01.12 - YouTube video - 7 mins). A series of fifteen short videos made by Alexander Romanov starts here (22.03.12). And there is a lot more about Elizabeth Windsor here (19.10.09).
Picture: Anti-AIPAC protests. Tel Aviv, Israel. Saturday 24th March 2012.
Israel protests reportage can be found here (25.03.12), here (25.03.12) and here (24.03.12).
Picture: Queen + Obama + Kenyan birth certificate. Barry, you've done well.
Picture: Bo Xilai. Pumpkin pie. 沒有更多的南瓜餅就會被吃掉博先生美國間諜 .
哦贈品! braindead ChiCom 審查暴徒未能推翻政變的傳言。秘密軍隊主導的政權變化,開始在北京舉行。Oh what a giveaway! Braindead ChiCom censorship goons fail to quash coup rumours. Covert army-driven régime change begins in Beijing.
The US Nazi-continuum’s Chongqing agent-in-place, Bo Xilai, was spotted going to get instructions from his Kissinger/Bush-syndicate CIA handler at the US consulate in Chengdu. The treacherous liaison was ghost-tracked by Chinese military intelligence. A clear out of Chinese nationals acting as US agents began. Then tanks appeared briefly on the streets of Beijing.
It was curious that China suddenly squashed the local bloggers who had accurately caught the scent. It was strange that the alternative news caches were suddenly deleted en masse at the servers. But that’s OK. Nothing to be worried about. Everything is hunky dory in Chinatown.
The London-led Western media obfuscation can be viewed with amusement here (12.04.12), here (11.04.12), here (10.04.12), here (30.03.12), here (25.03.12), here (24.03.12), here (22.03.12), here (22.03.12), here (22.03.12) and here (16.03.12). China (幫助。幫助。偏執的人追我。) tries to keep the situation as quiet as possible here (16.04.12), here (14.04.12), here (31.03.12) and here (15.03.12). And there is some interesting updated news and commentary here (15.04.12) and here (10.04.12).
Picture: Death march of Japan's Imperial fakes? Michiko & Akihito walk on by.
Is the current Emperor of Japan an elaborate pretender?
Word is emerging from the White Dragon Society in Japan that Akihito Yamato (His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan) may be a well-disguised pretender. On this view, Akihito is a sock-puppet for an old Western Sabbatean power group operating through the G5 banking cartel.
Akihito is said to be using fake replicas of three ancient Japanese imperial treasures to justify his fraudulent position on the throne. Meanwhile, the real Japanese Emperor, Naoshi Onodera, is the true and rightful custodian of an eight thousand year old Sumerian artefact known as the Japanese Imperial Jewel.
This high-end power-spat is not esoteric; it is a key executive signifier in getting the new precious metals-backed global financial system up and running, first in the East and then in the West. The view in the Orient is that Western fiat paper finance is finally finished.
New whistleblower emerges at JPMorgan Chase. JPMC actively involved in manipulation of LIBOR and precious metals futures. JPMC hid client assets from MF Global. Greece holds hidden derivatives in excess of $1 trillion to which JPMC is a substantial counterparty. Cascading global credit event imminent.
The following letter was originally posted on the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission website in the public comments section.
From: Z A N
Organization: JPMorgan Chase
Comment No: 57019
Date: 3/14/2012
Dear CFTC Staff,
Hello, I am a current JPMorgan Chase employee. This is an open letter to all commissioners and regulators.
I am emailing you today b/c I know of insider information that will be damning at best for JPMorgan Chase. I have decided to play the role of whistleblower b/c I no longer have faith and belief that what we are doing for society is bringing value to people. I am now under the opinion that we are actually putting hard working Americans unaware of what lays ahead at extreme market risk. This risk is unnecessary and will lead to wide-scale market collapse if not handled properly.
With the release of Mr. Smith's open letter to Goldman, I too would like to set the record straight for JPM as well. I have seen the disruptive behavior of superiors and no longer can say that I look up to employees at the ED/MD level here at JPM. Their smug exuberance and arrogance permeates the air just as pungently as rotting vegetables.
They all know too well of the backdoor crony connections they share intimately with elected officials and with other institutions. It is apparent in everything they do, from the meager attempts to manipulate LIBOR, therefore controlling how almost all derivatives are priced to the inherit and fraudulent commodities manipulation.
They too may have one day stood for something in the past in the client-employee relationship. Does anyone in today's market really care about the protection of their client? From the ruthless and scandalous treatment of MF Global client asset funds to the excessive bonuses paid by companies with burgeoning liabilities.
Yes, we at JPMorgan that are in the know are fearful of a cascading credit event being triggered in Greece as they have hidden derivatives in excess of $1 Trillion USD. We at JPMorgan own enough of these through counterparty risk and outright prop trading that our entire IB EDG space could be annihilated within a few short days. The last ten years has been market by inflexion point after inflexion point with the most notable coming in 2008 after the acquisition of Bear Stearns.
I wish to remain anonymous as of now as fear of termination mounts from what I am about to reveal. Robert Gottlieb is not my real name; however he is a trader that is involved in a lawsuit for manipulative trading while working with JPMorgan Chase. He was acquired during our Bear Stearns acquisition and is known to be the notorious person shorting in the silver future market from his trading space, along with Blythe Masters, his IB Global boss.
However, with that said, we are manipulating the silver futures market and playing a smaller (but still massively manipulative) role in manipulating the gold futures market. We have a little over a 25% (give or take a percentage) position in the short market for silver futures and by your definition this denotes a larger position than for speculative purposes or for hedging and is beyond the line of manipulation.
On a side note, I do not work directly with accounts that would have been directly impacted by the MF Global fiasco but I have heard through other colleagues that we have involvement in the hiding of client assets from MF Global. This is another fraudulent effort on our part and constitutes theft. I urge you to forward that part of the investigation on to the respective authorities.
There is something else that you may find strange. During month-end December, we were all told by our managers that this was going to be a dismal year in terms of earnings and that we should not expect any bonuses or pay raises. Then come mid-late January it is made known that everyone received a pay raise and/or bonus, which is interesting b/c just a few weeks ago we were told that this was not likely and expected to be paid nothing in addition to base salary.
January is right around the time we started increasing our short positions quite significantly again and this most recent crash in gold and silver during Bernanke's speech on February 29th is of notable importance, as we along with 4 other major institutions, orchestrated the violent $100 drop in Gold and subsequent drops in silver.
As regulators of the free people of this country, I ask you to uphold the most important job in the world right now. That job is judge and overseer of all that is justice in the most sensitive of commodity markets. There are many middle-income people that invest in the physical assets of silver, gold, as well as mining stocks that are being financially impacted in a negative way b/c of our unscrupulous shorts in the precious metals commodity sector. If you read the COT with intent you will find that commercials (even though we have no business being in the commercial sector, which should be reserved for companies that truly produce the metal) are net short by a long shot in not only silver, but gold.
It is rather surprising that what should be well known liabilities on our balance sheet have not erupted into wider scale scrutinization. I call all honest and courageous JPMorgan employees to step up and fight the cronyism and wide-scale manipulation by reporting the truth. We are only helping reality come to light therefore allowing a real valuation of our banking industry which will give investors a chance to properly adjust without being totally wiped out.
I will be contacting a lawyer shortly about this matter, as I believe no other whistleblower at JPMorgan has come forward yet. Our deepest secrets lie within the hands of honest employees and can be revealed through honest regulators that are willing to take a look inside one of America's best kept secrets. Please do not allow this to turn into another Enron.
Kind Regards,
The 1st Whistleblower of Many
More background here (16.03.12), here (15.03.12) and here (15.03.12).
Picture: Hello! You've been targeted for a US drone assassination! (1)
Picture: Anti-US protests. Quetta, Pakistan. Friday 16th March 2012.
Maladroit US diplomacy torpedoes Qatar-based Afghanistan peace talks. Hamid Karzai said to be tame and corrupt puppet of American invaders.
The Islamic Emirate decided on officially inaugurating its diplomatic office in Qatar a short while ago on 8th Zafar-ul-Muzaffar 1433 (Tuesday 3rd January 2012) for the purposes of reaching an understanding with the international community and for addressing some specific issues with the American invaders after arriving at an agreement with the government of Qatar.
The aim behind the induction of a diplomatic office was so that the Islamic Emirate can establish contact with the international community under complete freedom and away from any danger and to ascertain the invaders in face to face dialogue that we are not going to abandon the struggle for our freedom and will not pardon you until the withdrawal of your last soldier and until you let the Afghans establish an Islamic government for themselves.
Similarly we wanted to quash the excuses put forward by the enemy who relieved themselves by repeatedly saying that the Mujahideen have no address with which contact can be made. Furthermore we wished to clarify to all the parties that in the future, we are prepared for such interaction with everyone as is done between any two sovereign nations in which every side gives consideration to its own established laws. We also wanted to erase the dull picture of Islamic Emirate painted and presented to the world by our enemies who dismissed us as a warring faction which has no political, administrative and social capabilities or that it wished to harm other nations all the while the Islamic Emirate has transparent policies, complete competence and long term plans regarding all these issues.
In this connection, the political envoys of the Islamic Emirate agreed upon the inauguration of a diplomatic office, the arrangement about which was already made with the government of Qatar and started holding preliminary talks with the occupying enemy over the exchange of prisoners. The Americans initially agreed upon taking practical steps regarding the exchange of prisoners and to not oppose our political office but with the passage of time, they turned their backs on their promises and started initiating baseless propaganda portraying the envoys of the Islamic Emirate as having commenced multilateral negotiations for solving the Afghan dilemma.
At the same time Hamid Karzai, who can not even make a single political decision without the prior consent of the Americans, falsely proclaimed that the Kabul administration and the Americans have jointly started peace talks with Taliban; whereas the Islamic Emirate has not discussed any other issue apart from the two aforementioned (i.e. the induction of an office and the exchange of prisoners) and neither have we accepted any other condition with any other side nor have we conducted any talks with Karzai administration.
A memorandum of understanding which was agreed upon earlier was not yet fulfilled when an American representative presented a list of conditions in his latest meeting with the Islamic Emirate which were not only unacceptable but also in contradiction with the earlier agreed upon points. So it was due to their alternating and ever changing position that the Islamic Emirate was compelled to suspend all dialogue with the Americans. We must categorically state that the real source of obstacle in talks was the shaky, erratic and vague standpoint of the Americans therefore all the responsibility for the halt also falls on their shoulders.
To elucidate the standpoint of the Islamic Emirate to our own Muslim people, to the transgressors and to the entire world, the inauguration of political office in Qatar was not but for the sake of reaching an understanding with the outside world and particularly for the exchange of prisoners with the Americans in the initial stages. But it seems that the invading Americans and their stooge regime took advantage of these measures of Islamic Emirate and sought to achieve other malicious objectives and therefore are postponing the core issues and are wasting time.
So the Islamic Emirate has decided to suspend all talks with Americans taking place in Qatar from today (Thursday 15th March 2012) onwards until the Americans clarify their stance on the issues concerned and until they show willingness in carrying out their promises instead of wasting time.
Similarly the Afghan issue has two main dimensions; one is internal and the other external. The external dimension is associated with Americans and the internal dimension is connected with the Afghans themselves. Until and unless the external dimension is settled which rests entirely in the hands of the foreigners, discussing the internal dimension is meaningless and is nothing more than a waste of time. Therefore the Islamic Emirate considers talking with the Kabul administration as pointless.
At the same time, the Islamic Emirate is fully prepared, has enduring patience and long-term Jihadi strategies against the malicious plots of the enemy and enjoys the ceaseless support of its believing nation. The Islamic Emirate correlates the presence of the alien forces in Afghanistan with instability of the entire region and will not tolerate it in the present shape nor temporary and neither in the shape of permanent bases.
The Islamic Emirate once again calls on the entire world and particularly the regional countries to support and back the Islamic Emirate in expelling of the invaders in order to achieve peace and stability in the whole region.
A further statement on this issue from the same Islamic source can be found here (24.03.12).Recent battlefield news from the Pakistan-supported Afghan resistance can be found here (15.04.12), here (14.04.12), here (13.04.12), here (12.04.12), here (10.04.12), here (07.04.12), here (04.04.12), here (02.04.12), here (01.04.12), here (31.03.12 - pdf - 8 pages), here (30.03.12), here (29.03.12), here (27.03.12), here (27.03.12), here (24.03.12), here (20.03.12), here (17.03.12), here (16.03.12), here (15.03.12), here (13.03.12) and here (11.03.12).Picture: Homeland Security protecting and serving the hell out of you.
Picture: Dominique Strauss-Kahn Cambridge Univ UK Friday 9th March 2012.
Ostensibly, DSK came to speak to the Cambridge Union Society about global economics. However, rape and pillage was the real agenda for the evening. In the debating chamber, an undergraduate asked Strauss-Kahn whether he could explain the bruising to Nafissatou Diallo found the day after he met her. DSK replied: "I'm not quite sure that's the topic of this evening. New York dismissed the case. What more do you want?" After the lecture, the distinguished Frenchman fled in a police van to escape the baying crowds of protesters. More here (10.03.12), here (10.03.12), here (09.03.12) and here (09.03.12).
Picture: Netanyahu. The smell of fear. AIPAC Washington. Mon 5th March 2012.
Picture: Go away, it's not your job, Sarkozy. Bayonne, France. 1st March 2012.
Go away, it is not your job. Nicolas Sarkozy, the outgoing French President, is driven out of town by the French electorate in south west France. More here (02.03.12).
Picture: Harry Spencer-Hewitt - Prince Harry of Wales.
Picture: Diana Spencer & James Hewitt & Prince Harry Spencer-Hewitt.
On Monday 20th February 2012, confirmatory intelligence emerged from Japan (here) that, below the surface, a widening rift in geopolitical loyalties is developing between the older and younger members of the British Royal Family bloodlines. This rift is understood to be developing and extending through most of the European Illuminati hereditary control-structures, not just in the UK, but also in countries such as The Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.
What is being referred to as the Gnostic Illuminati powergroup has issued a 31st March 2012 deadline to the Western banking cartel's Committee of 300, to cease and desist in its Nazi-continuum (Odessa Group) agenda of financial theft and international exploitation.
The Committee of 300 agenda is being implemented through artificially constructed financial instruments and money laundries, and through wars, invasions and state-sponsored terrorist atrocities such as the post-WW2 conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bosnia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, and the false-flag attacks of 911 (pre-planned demolition of Twin Towers in New York - more here) and 311 (the pre-planned nuclear tsunami in Japan - more here).
This Nazi-continuum agenda is still driving the financial nexus and the foreign policies of the G5 nations (UK, US, Germany, France and Italy).
The Gnostic Illuminati powergroup is of ancient lineage, and through its spokesman, Alexander Romanov (Romanoff), claims to have initiated the American Revolution (1775–83), the French Revolution (1787–1799) and the Russian Revolution (1917). More here (07.01.12) - YouTube video (7 mins).
Romanov has also said that Prince Harry of Wales (British Royal Family; third in line of succession to the British Throne) has been keeping in touch with the Gnostic Illuminati group and has agreed to take over control of the British Royal family from Queen Elizabeth II when she is obliged to abdicate in connection with her covert Chairmanship of the Committee of 300 and other geopolitical machinations. More here (01.01.12), here (29.04.11) and here (19.10.09).
One of the reasons that the Gnostic Illuminati are working with Prince Harry, is that this particular member of the British Royal Family is not a scion (or issue) of the Nazi-continuum, German-English, reptilian bloodline Houses of Windsor and Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. In this, Harry is unlike his brother, William (Duke of Cambridge), or his father, Charles (Prince of Wales). Charles is the heir apparent (first in line of succession) and William is second in line of succession to the British Throne.
This difference in Prince Harry's bloodline is due to the (now) widely-known fact that he is not Prince Charles' son. Prince Harry is the son of Diana Spencer (Princess Diana) and James Hewitt, a young army officer, horse trainer and polo player. More here (31.05.09). And a picture of Diana Spencer and James Hewitt together can be seen here.
Prince Harry of Wales is not, therefore, the biological son of Prince Charles, or the biological grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of England. However, for reasons of public relations expediency, he was given a full royal name and rank at his christening in St George’s Chapel, Windsor, on Friday 21st December 1984. Prince Harry of Wales' full name is Henry Charles Albert David Windsor. In long-established English usage, Henry = Harry.
The absence of Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth's husband, from Prince Harry's official christening photograph, is considered to be highly significant. Among the English aristocracy it is normative for the grandfather of the child being christened to feature in the official photograph. Philip had been present two years earlier for the family christening photographs of Harry's older brother, Prince William. That service was held on Wednesday 4th August 1982 in the Music Room at Buckingham Palace. The official christening photographs associated with the event can be seen here and here.
A longtime employee of Harry's mother, Princess Diana, has revealed that the British Royal Family has been involved for many years in a media and intelligence cover-up of Harry's origins. Diana knew that Harry's father was James Hewitt, and talked about it frequently in private. This was one reason why she was murdered in 1997, following a manufactured Paris car crash, by Tavistock-linked agents of the British Crown Temple. More about the Tavistock Institute can be found here.
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (Queen Elizabeth's husband), is reported to have issued explicit death threats to James Hewitt if he refused to go along with the royal cover-up. In particular, Philip made Hewitt lie about the timeline of his relationship with Diana, Princess of Wales.
James Hewitt was in an active sexual relationship with Diana two years before Prince Harry was born. Diana had stopped having sex with Prince Charles about eighteen months before Harry was born because of her disgust at the active relationship her husband was continuing with Camilla Parker-Bowles. Parker-Bowles has now been officially re-branded as the Duchess of Cornwall, but there have recently been indications that Charles and Camilla are living essentially separate lives, spending much of their time in separate houses in Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. More here (27.02.12) and here (26.02.12).
Prince Harry looks very similar to James Hewitt. He has ginger hair like Hewitt and a similar physiognomy. Harry looks nothing like Prince Charles (younger picture here) or like his brother, Prince William (side-by-side pictures here and here).
Harry is also considerably less intelligent (academically) than his brother, William, (ask anyone who taught the boys at Eton College) and unlike William, he did not go to university. Harry's father, James Hewitt, is also considerably less intelligent than Prince Charles. And, it might be noted, Harry has inherited playboy character-traits from Hewitt which are largely absent from William and Charles. But mutual friends say that Harry is more street-wise, in terms of modern popular culture and mores, than William.
The idea that Prince Harry of Wales might supplant his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II of England, upon her forced abdication has been around for a while. But the rumours were given new life at the end of 2011. Speaking on the record to a television interviewer, Harry expressed the view that he did not believe the Queen could carry out her public duties without the presence of her husband Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh.
A few days after the interview was recorded, Prince Philip suffered a "heart scare" and spent four days over Christmas 2011 at Addenbrookes Hospital (Cambridge) "having a blocked coronary artery cleared and a stent fitted." Observers noted that when he returned to the family houseparty on the Sandringham estate in Norfolk, the Duke was unusually vigorous, physically. Seasoned conspiracy-watchers began to wonder whether the four days "in hospital" were, in fact, four days for the Tavistock-nexus to get a new Prince Philip clone up-and-running, the previous one having been terminated unexpectedly. More about the use of human clones in élite political management can be found here (17.01.12).
It should be noticed that although Harry Spencer-Hewitt (Prince Harry of Wales) is not a scion of the Nazi-continuum Windsor/Saxe-Coburg & Gotha bloodline, he is still, through his mother's ancestry, an issue of an old, non-reptilian, English bloodline referred to as the Spencers. The Spencer dynasty began to develop in pre-Tudor times and became visible to official exoteric histories around the year 1486 with the rise of Sir John Spencer. More about the Spencer bloodline can be found here.
This British Royal Family story is now being updated on a separate page here.
Picture: Elizabeth Windsor (British Queen). Chairman of the Committee of 300.
More here (19.10.09).
Picture: Alexander Romanov (Romanoff). Gnostic Illuminati powergroup.
More here (07.01.12) - YouTube video (7 mins). And a series of fifteen videos made by Alexander Romanov, the eldest grandson of Anastasia Romanov and the great grandson of Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov (Tsar Nicholas II of Russia), starts here (22.03.12).
Picture: David James. Lord James of Blackheath. Yohannes Riyadi $15 trillion.
More here (02.03.12), here (29.02.12), here (24.02.12), here (24.02.12), here (23.02.12), here (21.02.12), here (20.02.12), here (18.02.12 ) and here (16.02.12).
Picture: Free Syrian Army. Idlib, Syria. Saturday 18th February 2012.
Picture: Anti-government protests in Bahrain. February 2012.
Picture: Meditation - The Direct Encounter (1)
Meditation is a spiritual exercise which aligns the physical brain with the soul.
The dance of experience while meditating expresses the freedom, harmony, love and joy of the soul.
Anthony de Mello was a psychotherapist and Jesuit priest from India, who died in 1987. He could sense the commonality of spirit underlying Eastern and Western traditions. In the context of meditation, Anthony de Mello spoke of the possibility of enjoying an intuition of God without form or image, and of the experience, in meditation, of dissolving into God as salt dissolves into water.
In May 1976, Frederick Toppe, an American Lutheran, said: "Of all the hard facts of science, I know of none more solid and fundamental than the fact that if you inhibit thought (and persevere) you come at length to a region of consciousness below or beyond thought…and a realization of an altogether vaster self than that to which we are accustomed."
Questions are being asked about the reach of meditation: Can a direct change in the state of consciousness through specific mental and spiritual techniques extend human life and reverse age-related declines?
Is it possible that many thousands are now at the point where they can coordinate the brain, the mind and the soul, and so pass through the portal of mental awareness into the realm of light, of intuitive perception, and the world of causes? The Knowers say that they can, and they tell us the way ....
Picture: Athens, Greece. Anti-Austerity Protests. Sunday 12th February 2012.
Picture: Athens, Greece. Anti-Austerity Protests. Friday 10th February 2012.
Picture: Banksters' bonus. Athens, Greece. Revolution on streets.
Picture: Democratic deficit. Athens, Greece. Revolution on streets.
Picture: NO to Austerity. Ninety NEIN to Angela. Nein und abermals Nein - 99%
Picture: Poor Angela - Angela Merkel Greek Nazi posterBaltic Dry Index vs Gold - May 2011 to February 2012 (chart)
The Baltic Dry Index signals current global growth trends. It is one of the purest leading indicators of economic activity. It measures the demand to move raw materials and precursors to production, as well as the supply of ships available to move those cargoes.
The BDI is a daily average of prices representing the cost paid by end customers to have a shipping company transport raw materials across seas on the Baltic Exchange, the global marketplace for brokering shipping contracts. The index is quoted every working day at 1300 London time.
The world's largest freight shipping terminal is the Port of Shanghai (China). Lloyd's List (London) reports that container traffic through Shanghai fell by 100,000 boxes (four per cent) between January 2011 and January 2012. During this period, Shanghai shipping volumes decreased by over one million tonnes. More here (06.02.12).
Picture: Anonymous plays Occupation Chess in Washington DC - January 2012.
Picture: Anonymous on horseback. Occupy Washington DC. February 2012.
Picture: The board changes. The Great Game moves against the Feds.
Picture: When debt is fraudulent, debt forgiveness is the logical & only remedyAll change on the Great Game board. Under-the-radar geopolitical plan merges US Pentagon with Russian and Chinese Military to form global peace-keeping force. Satanist clique at Vatican Bank and Roman Curia to be cleared out. Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) and Western corporate media organisations to be fragmented and reformed into multiple smaller units under new management. High-status public arrests imminent.In coordination with Pandora's Suitcase disclosures concerning the above reforms, it is set to be announced that the G5 Western banking cartel and its US Federal Reserve Board nexus have been concealing vast amounts of accrued debt from shareholder and public scrutiny in covert accounting books.
This giga-debt disclosure will end the present management of four or five major American banks and will replace the principal personnel in control. Exactly how far the cull goes down the food chain below the top carnivores and the detritus feeders in the boardrooms, will be determined by how middle-management, the auditors and the ICT contractors cooperate with law enforcement.
The hidden debt books at the banks are separate from, and additional to, the White Spiritual Boy and Spiritual Wonder Boy accounts referenced on other blog pages here and here.
In London, where the US Fed's funny money accounts are managed and milked, the rats are fighting in the sack. For example, there is a boardroom battle-royal going on at the giant London-listed coal mining and plantation conglomerate, Bumi Resources (Jakarta, Indonesia), where a coordinated coup against Rothschild influence has been launched.
Indonesia's Bakrie family and Samin Tan are in the process of kicking Nathaniel Rothschild, Ari Hudiya, Andrew Beckham and James Campbell out of the company. The Bakries and Tan own a 30% voting stake in Bumi; Rothschild has just 12%. More here (04.02.12).
There is a geopolitical significance to this City spat. The Rothschild syndicate is said to have covert control of the US Federal Reserve Board cashflows. And the Rothschilds control the UK Government for major City of London banking interests. At top shadow government levels, the UK and Indonesia are at opposing ends of the Monaco Colloquium process.
The London line management of the Money-out-of-Nothing Rothschild syndicate is understood to be Jacob Rothschild ► Nathaniel Rothschild (N.M.Rothschild & Sons Limited, New Court, St Swithin's Lane, London EC4P 4DU) ► Oliver Letwin (UK Minister of State at the Cabinet Office) ► George Osborne (British Chancellor of the Exchequer). The 1992 Oxford University Bullingdon Club photograph featuring Osborne and Rothschild can be seen here.
The milking of the US Fed's funny money accounts by London and Europe is not insubstantial. Reports vary, but in the week beginning Monday 30th January 2012, it appears that a total of $4.7 trillion in fiat fumes was laundered from the Fed's money printing screens in DC through US commercial banks to European commercial banks.
Out East, the reunification of North Korea with South Korea now has the active support of Kim Jong-un and his new régime in the North, and the financial and political union of Japan with the new Korean peninsula government is being planned in detail.
Meanwhile, in mainland Europe, Germany continues its methodical sabotage of the Euro currency in order to pave the way for a publicly acceptable reintroduction of the Deutschmark.
The modus operandi here is to place such intolerable financial and austerity demands on the political classes in Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy that they each, in turn, "do an Iceland" and choose a hard sovereign default rather than risk élite-led and irresistible popular revolutions on their streets.
At the same time, and in parallel with this calculated Europolitical vandalism, Germany is quietly pursuing an Ostpolitik with Russia which will result in a Russian/German-led Eurasian Union being slipped into place by 2015.
In the lead up to this long-desired Eurasian outcome, the new, strong currency DeutschmarkZone in Northern Europe is likely to involve Germany, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Finland. France will be consigned to the outer darkness of a local and much-devalued French Franc.
More background here (10.03.12), here (26.02.12), here (23.02.12), here (16.02.12), here (15.02.12), here (15.02.12), here (13.02.12), here (13.02.12), here (12.02.12), here (07.02.12), here (07.02.12), here (07.02.12), here (05.02.12), here (04.02.12), here (04.02.12), here (02.02.12), here (31.01.12), here (27.01.12), here (23.01.12), here (28.10.11) and here (29.08.11).Picture: John nails a lid onto the coffin. The lid stops Snowball getting out.
Picture: Obama. Hope you don't get indefinitely detained.
Picture: Josef Ackermann. Slytherin Hall of Shame. Bankster Corner.
Picture: Brian Moynihan. Slytherin Hall of Shame. Bankster Corner.
Picture: Davos 2012 - History's last slither for the reptilians.
Picture: Novum Ordinem Senum. Defunctorum Ordinis Senes.
Did Christ turn up at Davos 2012 like he did at Bilderberg 2011?
One of the lesser reported events at the chaotic and fractured Bilderberg annual gathering in St Moritz, Switzerland, in June 2011 was the unexpected visit of a senior spiritual master.The individual known as Christ in church mythology, but better known in esoteric spiritual circles as The Maitreya Buddha, Krishna, The World Teacher, or The Imam Mahdi, put in a spectacular, security-busting appearance.
Disguised as "the lady in white" and carrying a white umbrella (picture here), Christ appeared to several Bilderberg guests who were out for a heavily-guarded walk. The group included Erich Schmidt, Franco Bernabè, Ying Fu, Jacob Wallenberg, Thomas Enders, Rory Stewart, Richard Lambert and Peter Mandelson (left in pictures here and here).
The lady in white swept serenely past security without challenge and strode to the front of the Bilderberg walking group. She led the chatting guests through pleasant mountain scenery right into the heart of a group of anti-capitalist activists.
Charlie Skelton of The Guardian newspaper (London - Sunday 12th June 2011) reports that Peter Mandelson was heard to say to his colleagues: "This is terrible."
It has not been disclosed who Christ talked to later.
Picture: Poor because of you, Davos banksters. January 2012.
Reunification of North Korea and South Korea with Japan. New capital of the union and new global financial centre to be established in Nara Prefecture (Japan). G5 Western banking cabal loses executive traction in Far East.
The covert régime change which took place in North Korea after the assassination by heart attack of leader Kim Jong-il on Saturday 17th December 2011, has changed the board. The removal of the Rothschild puppet has set in motion the energisation of ancient local alliances.
A substantive dialogue is in process about the reunification of the Korean peninsula and, further down the line, about an economic and political union between a united Korea and Japan. The capital being considered for this new supra-national entity is in the region of Nara and Tenri City, south of Osaka, Japan.
The two rival Korean royal houses, the Southern and Northern dynasties, have been competing for control Japan and the Korean peninsula for centuries. The Southern dynasty includes the current Japanese emperor and the hidden government bloodline rulers of South Korea. The Northern dynasty controls North Korea, Northern Japan and Okinawa, and has a powerful influence within mainland China.
The Southern dynasty is the power-group pushing for a unification of western Japan and South Korea, with a new capital city in Osaka. This royal syndicate is allied with the British Royal Family.
Until very recently, the Northern dynasty was in bed with the Rockefeller-Kissinger-Bush Nazi-continuum in the West. Word on the block is that these German/American Skull and Bones wrinklies are being kicked out. From now on, East intends to be East.
The Northern dynasty is keen to build bridges with the Southern dynasty. Both sides want positive, progressive change in the Korean peninsula and in the wider region. High-status planning talks are imminent. More here (31.01.12).
Picture: What caused the death of religion?
Picture: One last time by Steven Hägg-Ståhlberg
In the educated West, religion died some years ago. This was a positive development in human spiritual culture. It meant that at the beginning of the New Age, the Age of Aquarius, new forms of religionless spirituality could be explored and experienced. And through spiritual practice and study, new, clean connections could be made with the Higher Evolution.
What happened was that three of the core concepts of establishment religiosity became untenable to the educated, spiritual mind and were discarded. These concepts were scripture, worship and belief. Once the foundation of the religious mind, these three concepts came to be seen as nonsensical and spiritually injurious.
The concept of scripture - the concept that a single human cultural artefact generated by others in a long gone civilisation - can somehow mediate all the decisive, privileged and authoritative spiritual data germane to modern concerns, began to look quaint.
The concept of worship also came to be viewed as deeply flawed. Worship was a spiritually debilitating, negative and wasteful behaviour. A question was put. If you were God, would you want your human colleagues to waste their energies grovelling? The answer was clear. Of course you wouldn't. Only an incompetent, insecure and evil God would want that.
The concept of belief, likewise, began to look silly and self-damaging to the human spirit. Belief was a sort of élite-controlled, add-on app, stuck on the brain and functioning quietly in the background to keep truth out. Belief kept out anything other than itself or things very like itself. Belief obstructed the accurate reception of new revelations ....
Picture: Costa Concordia - Attempted insurance fraud on Lloyd's of London?
Picture: Elisabeth Murdoch (Elisabeth Freud) - Matrix 5 Principal
Did Rupert Murdoch order the destruction of the Costa Concordia out of spite?
There is inside talk about the Rupert Murdoch bloodline syndicate and Matrix 5 media propaganda setting up the Costa Concordia cruise liner grounding for an insurance heist in London, in retaliation for the phone-hacking case destruction of the Murdoch media empire in the UK.
What was sex-siren Domnica Cemortan doing on the bridge with Captain Francesco Schettino immediately before the disaster?
Developing story. More here (19.01.12) and here (19.01.12).
Picture: Mitt Romney Believe in America & a Bright Future at The Vatican Bank
Picture: Mitt Romney - Skull & Bones - Henry Kissinger
Mitt Romney, a conservative businessman and his slush fund in Rome
On Friday 21st January 2011, Edward Falcone wrote a letter to John Glover Roberts, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
In the postscript he reported that Mitt Romney (a Mormon) had a $400 million slush fund account at the Vatican Bank in Rome.
The full text of Falcone's letter to Roberts can be viewed here.
Picture: Books will be opened. Jean Delville. Madame Stuart Merrill.
Picture: Binyamin Shalom Bernanke - Banking System cartoon
Global banking crisis?
What global banking crisis?
Thousands of quadrillions of
hidden monies revealed to be held
in multiple off-ledger
black screen accounts.
The Committee of 300's
shadow government banking
scam has its royal knickers
ripped off.
How rich is White Spiritual Boy
now, Your Majesty?
Picture: HSBC - White Spiritual Boy shadow a/c - 1030 quadrillion US DollarsWhat global banking crisis?
Thousands of quadrillions of
hidden monies revealed to be held
in multiple off-ledger
black screen accounts.
The Committee of 300's
shadow government banking
scam has its royal knickers
ripped off.
How rich is White Spiritual Boy
now, Your Majesty?
The official audited text above is part of paragraph 132 on page 18 (here) of a Committee of 300 élite Secret Government document signed on Wednesday 10th February 2010 on page 106 (here). Page 19 of this same document can be viewed here.
The three signatories on the document are H.E. President Robert Zoellick (President of The World Bank), H.E. Vice President Lars Thunell (Executive Vice President and CEO of the International Finance Corporation) and HM Queen Alexandra Elizabeth Mary Windsor II (Chairman of The Committee of 300, The British Royal Family).
The full text of Paragraph 132 flagged in the yellow panel above reads as follows: "The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (London, UK and Hong Kong, PROC) Account no. 0567105267802012 with account name of White Spiritual Boy and with standing balances per account worth US$ 1,030,000,000,000,000,000 with reconfirmed and reconsidered matured earnings audited by the Financial Institution of the Committee of 300 for the month of January to April 2010 worth of US$ 434,000,000,000,000,000 in the total of US$ 1,464,000,000,000,000,000 (US$ 464,000,000,000,000 had deducted automatically for bank charges and services for the first quarter of audit maturity) in the net balances of US$ 1,000,000,000,000,000,000."
The five sums of money detailed in this single auditing rubric can be expressed as one thousand and thirty quadrillion US Dollars, four hundred and thirty four quadrillion US Dollars, one thousand four hundred and sixty four quadrillion US Dollars, four hundred and sixty four trillion US Dollars, and one thousand quadrillion US Dollars.
The sum of money deducted automatically by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) from this single White Spiritual Boy account for bank charges and services for one quarter of the year 2010 was four hundred and sixty four trillion US Dollars. This compares with the total publicly acknowledged Global Gross Domestic Product of about seventy eight trillion US Dollars per year. Of this $78 trillion sum, the European Union accounts for about $16 trillion, the US $15 trillion, and China $11 trillion of the global total.
The sum deducted by HSBC for bank charges and services in one quarter of 2010 from the single White Spiritual Boy account cited above, was more than five and a half times greater than the publicly stated Global Gross Domestic Product. (464 trillion divided by 78 trillion = 464 divided by 78 = 5.9). We invite comment and analysis.
The Committee of 300's shadow government world banking system, conducted across mainstream-media-invisible black and grey screens, is composed of thousands of such accounts, many of them named "White Spiritual Boy". The lead signatory for each of these accounts is Elizabeth Windsor (Queen Elizabeth II of England - HM Queen Alexandra Elizabeth Mary Windsor II).
Referring to the three document images linked above (this, this and this), the Japan-based financial journalist and White Dragon Society spokesman, Benjamin Fulford, commented on Saturday 14th January 2012: "Many people involved at the high end of the financial system and members of the committee of 300 are telling me the documents I posted with Queen Elizabeth's signature on them are forgeries by Wilfredo Sauren. Other sources also involved at a high level tell me they are genuine. I do not know, but even if they are forgeries, forgeries are usually copies of something real. Even if they are fake, there is still a huge gap between the amount of money that supposedly exists in the off-ledger financial system and the amount that is on the books. That means a lot of zeros will have to be erased before the off-ledger and on-ledger financial systems can be reconciled and reconnected with the real world." Source here (14.01.12).
AB comments: (1) Elsewhere, Benjamin Fulford has explained that Wilfredo Sauren was a forger who used to work with the CIA. He made a lot of money cashing-in skilfully faked bonds and other high-status financial documentation.
(2) This is incidental, but the codename "White Spiritual Boy" for the shadow government's major off-ledger black screen accounts is suggestive. White Spiritual Boy = WSB = Wall Street Bankers. And in Washington, a hitherto invisible Spiritual Wonder Boy account, privately audited by The Committee of 300 in December 2008, reads as follows in the audit document:
"1. Special Federal Reserve Board Account no. 5525525424AM with account name of Spiritual Wonder Boy and with standing balance of US$ 2, 178, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 reconfirmed and reconsidered matured audit dated December 1, 2008 that guaranteed and reconfirmed earned worth of US$ 410, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 from the month of October up to this month in the total of US$ 2, 588, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000."
In plain language, in 2008, the US Federal Reserve Board had an invisible account on its off-ledger books holding 2,588 trillion trillion trillion quadrillion US Dollars. That is 2588 followed by fifty one noughts.
Spiritual Wonder Boy = SWB = Secret World Banking.
Raw data: For ease of reference, 142 pages (158,000 words) of raw data about the White Spiritual Boy off-ledger black screen accounts have been compiled on a separate blog page here (12.01.12). Included on that page are bank names, account names, account numbers and balances for the following shadow government conduits: White Spiritual Boy accounts, Spiritual Wonder Boy accounts, Spiritual Ally accounts, Spiritual Allied Forces accounts, Morning Star accounts, Spiritual Maria Cristina accounts, Unknown Man accounts, Falcon 1 to Falcon 21 accounts, Croplands account, Walnut account, and Peter Stone Account.
Question: If such huge sums of money are available to the élite banking bloodlines, why is crippling financial austerity being imposed by national governments on their populations?
And why are the elected politicians in the Western democracies keeping their electorates in the dark about these vast hidden riches, while, at the same time, they are raising taxes and cutting public expenditure on services and infrastructure?
The enquiry must be made: Is there really a global banking crisis at all? Or is the "financial crisis" just a set-up media event to provide cover for massive élite theft?
More related, and developing, geopolitical background can be found here (31.01.12), here (27.01.12), here (26.01.12), here (26.01.12), here (26.01.12), here (23.01.12), here (19.01.12), here (18.01.12), here (17.01.12), here (09.01.12), here (09.01.12), here (08.01.12), here (05.01.12 - sourced from a bilingual Japanese/English presentation here on 25.12.11), here (02.01.12) and here (29.12.11). And there is more about The Committee of 300 here and here.
Picture: Ascension 2012
Picture: The I AM Presence. I AM of the Light. I AM the Ascension in the Light.
Human freedoms move from 2011 into 2012 as Planetary Ascension beckons (pdf - 4 pages)
"In 2011 many souls awakened into their greater potential to live their lives as an expression of Source Love and Light. There is now such a universal outpouring of Love and Light being sent into your world that thousands of souls are awakening to their true potential for living in Christ or Unity Consciousness. This last year involved enormous numbers of people gathering around the world to demonstrate the true capacity of human beings to stand up for what is right for the majority and not for what is right for those who are trying to stay in control of the world based on their self-serving agendas.""Earth was designed to be a Garden of Eden. Yet the thoughts and feelings of humanity created a very different world. Now you as your Presence are being invited to create the foundations for a new Golden Age with new thoughts of love, peace, joy, unity and abundance from your truly awakened hearts. This creation begins inside each one of you, for you chose to be here at a time when you would have the opportunity of living as your Presence on Earth and truly walking the Earth as a living Master.""All the Ascended Masters within the Councils of Shambhala suggest that you end the year 2011 in a state of gratitude and total forgiveness for yourself and for everyone who has ever been in your life, or in your family tree, throughout every lifetime. In 2012 you can then become a living demonstration of the lightness of being which comes from living without holding onto any guilt, remorse, fear, disappointment or residual longing for what was or what might have been."
"As you place more of your attention on living as the Divine Love and Light that is the true essence of your Presence, your Light quotient rises until eventually there is simply no room left in your mind or your body for limiting thoughts and feelings. When you discipline yourself to live in Divine Love, your heart will remain open to the guidance of your Presence and you will experience more and more of the profound joy which naturally comes from living in Unity Consciousness.""Many of you are aware that you have been part of creating a new home base for humanity - a 5th Dimensional base - where everyone will experience much more of what is possible when you are relating Presence to Presence. We are seeing new levels of optimism emanating from many of you who are already feeling that you have entered into at least the outskirts of your new Golden Age of Freedom.""A part of living as your Presence is being more aware of how sound, light and colour are a part of your communications. We suggest that you pay closer attention to the quality of the sounds you are emitting as you speak, and notice if you are placing an emotional charge on your words. If your words feel nourishing and loving, then the chances are that they are feeling good to others as well. But if your words are charged with negative emotions such as judgment, anger or vindictiveness, they will not feel good to you or your listeners, and the colours, sounds and geometries going into the atmosphere will be distorted. If these kinds of negative thoughtforms arise, we suggest that you stop for a moment, take a few sacred breaths from your Divine Self, and allow yourself space to feel connected to your Presence before continuing to communicate.""Many of you are experiencing more of your expanded capacities to see and hear beyond what you may have considered normal in previous times. Your entire endocrine system is shifting into higher frequencies to accommodate the increases in Light and Love which are filling your life with new surprises. You may find that you want less solid food and more liquids, and that this will keep you feeling more comfortable as all of these new energies are integrated into your body." "When you identify yourself as your mind, you are living in what you call "time". When you live and identify yourself as your body, you are living within the parameters of "space". But what you truly are naturally transcends both time and space, leaving you as the omnipresent, omniscient Self.""Freedom is the natural state of your Presence. Your ascension into that freedom is one of the reasons why you chose to be here on this planet now. We are not speaking of ascending to somewhere that is outside your body, or even outside your mind. We are speaking of your living here as a Master who can use your mind, enjoy your feelings and your body, and yet not be confined by them."
"From the ascended state of Christ or Unity Consciousness, a living Master can experience the joy that exists within both the form and the formless worlds - the temporary and the everlasting worlds. This Ascension allows you to move with ease between these worlds, so that you never think that you have to go anyplace other than where you are to experience living in paradise as your Presence.""As you keep awakening and living as your Presence, much more peace and joy will descend into your world and spiritual treasures will start to descend from the eternal realms. Go forth into 2012 knowing that the illusion of separation is quickly disappearing, and that Source has encoded within your heart the potential to walk the Earth as a living master."More here (pdf - 5 pages).
Picture: King George V. Adolf Hitler's father. Angela Merkel's grandfather.
Confirmed: US/German Nazi-continuum deeply entangled within British Royal family. King George V of England was Adolf Hitler's father and Angela Merkel's grandfather.
On Tuesday 27th December 2011, writing from Japan, a White Dragon Society spokesman confirmed that the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is the daughter of Adolf Hitler.
Hitler himself was the son of King George V of England (George Frederick Ernest Albert; Royal Houses of Windsor, and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha; 1865-1936). George V was the grandson of Queen Victoria, and the grandfather of Elizabeth Windsor (the current Queen Elizabeth II of England).
Russian intelligence sources report that just prior to the fall of Berlin in 1945, Adolf Hitler left Europe via Norway in a submarine, and ended up in Argentina. He lived in that country until 1979, when he had reached the age of ninety.
Not only was Adolf Hitler's suicide in his Berlin bunker in 1945 a faked cover story, but so also was the much-publicised 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler organised by several German High Command Officers, led by Wehrmacht Colonel, Count von Staufenberg. The pre-prepared narrative ran that this group managed to plant a bomb in Hitler's battlefield headquarters but, by sheer luck, Hitler survived the blast and the SchutzStaffel (SS) quickly arrested and executed all those involved in the affair.
In fact, this assassination canard was designed to enable the five thousand or so Nazi officers who were "executed" to be fitted out with new identities by the Odessa Group (Organization Der Ehemahlige SS Angehorige), so that at the end of the war they would not be hunted out, and thus could be seamlessly introduced into the American covert military-industrial and intelligence cadres.
These machinations led to the establishment of an élite-led Nazi-continuum at the heart of what became the Washington DC private corporation. Its most visible apparatchiks have included Heinz ("Henry") Kissinger, George Bush Snr, George Bush Jnr, and most major (male) American establishment figures who, since World War II, have been careful to take out joint Israeli-American citizenship.
More here (27.12.11), here (03.11.11) and here (19.10.09).
Picture: The Christ Star UFO
UFO creates cloud and shocks city of Trekhgorny in Russia on Friday 23rd December 2011
More here and here. More about the cloudship photographs below here and here. And more about the Christ Star UFO here and here.
Picture: Jovian cloudship over Mount Shasta. Yoj Chase. October 2011.
Picture: Venusian cloudship over Kliuchevskoi (Klyuchevskaya Sopka) - 2011
Picture: Lenticular cloud or cloaked UFO? Oxenhope, Bradford, UK.
Picture: 1915 Armenian Genocide in Turkey
Picture: Armenian Genocide - The rise of modern Turkey
Armenian Genocide or Armenian Holocaust? France says the 1915-1917 Turkish atrocities cannot be denied.
On Thursday 22nd December 2011, the lower house of the French Parliament approved a bill criminalising the denial of the Armenian Genocide, and rendering such denial punishable with a year in jail and a fine of 45,000 euros ($58,000). As one Member of Parliament said, as he concluded his remarks in the parliamentary debate: “I will vote thinking of Hrant Dink.”
The Frenchman was referring to a contract assassination which took place in Istanbul, Turkey, four years ago. On Friday 19th January 2007, Ogun Samast, a seventeen-year-old Turkish youth, murdered the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink (53) with a shotgun outside his Sisli office.
Between 1915 and 1917, during the final days of the Ottoman Empire, Turkish forces were responsible for the genocide of 1.5 million Armenians. As Christians, the Armenians were viewed as infidels by the tribal Muslim majority. The genocide was an organised campaign of state-sponsored ethnic cleansing and mass extermination.
The current Turkish government is trying to hush up this war crime as it attempts to qualify for entry to The European Union. Genocide denial is a mainline political policy in modern Turkey. Hrant Dink challenged this in Agos, the bilingual Turkish-Armenian weekly newspaper which he edited. In Turkey it is against the law to talk openly about the Armenian Genocide.
In his last newspaper column before his death, Hrant Dink said that he had received numerous death threats against him. He was given no security protection by the Turkish authorities, despite his complaints. Notwithstanding public pronouncements to the contrary, the Turkish Government was privately very pleased to see Hrant Dink dead.
France opposes the entry of Turkey to The European Union. Turkey is not a European country, and its culture and polity are seen as anti-European in nature. More than twenty countries have formally recognised the Turkish Armenian killings of 1915-1917 as genocide.
The Armenian Genocide was part of a programme of subversion within the Ottoman Empire, designed by the Sabbatean Satanists, to destabilise the Middle East and create war-business and political opportunities for a right-wing landgrab which would eventually result in the theft of Palestine by the Zionist Israelis. Had the Ottoman Empire remained in place, there would have been no chance of establishing a Zionist state based on Jerusalem.
The Sabbateans, closely associated with the Rothschild reptilian bloodline, emerged into view through the machinations of Sabbatai Zanth (Sabbatai Zevi 1626–1676) and his cabal in the seventeenth century. Zanth, a Jewish fake, was a self-proclaimed Jewish messiah who, for reasons of personal and operational expediency, converted to Islam while establishing his group in Ottoman Turkey.
More here (25.01.12), here (24.01.12), here (24.01.12), here (23.12.11), here (22.12.11) and here (22.12.11).
Pic: Is the US slave state of North Korea about to kick out the Western cabal?
Criminal investigations close in on G5 Western banking cabal as its access to credit is choked off across the globe
Several gamebreakers are now running concurrently. Any one of them has the potential energy to collapse the Western cabal with a single mainstream media legal headline.
Certain of the initiatives include legal rubrics which require public disclosures to be front-end-loaded in the Western MSM. If a corporate news group fails to comply with such a disclosure mandate, by that act it will immediately and permanently cease to trade. Its assets will be impounded and held mothballed for the use of the new media groups which are on the plate and ready to run. These free-to-air and web outlets will operate above and beyond the control or censorship of corporations, security cliques or sovereign governments.
At present there are five or six open-and-shut cases filed which would immediately terminate the US Presidency of Barack Obama. Each has majority support on Capitol Hill. The delay in implementing them has to do with disagreements among Senators, Congressmen and the Pentagon about what, or who, will occupy the downstream vacuum after Obama's removal.
In addition to the élite deceptions swirling around Obama's fake American birth qualification and the provenance of his stolen Connecticut Social Security Number, there are mature legal depositions relating to US President's slush funds at the Vatican Bank and Banco Santander in Europe, and to Obama's unlawful entangling of America in the NATO Libyan invasion.
It needs to be recalled that there are between 27 and 39 levels of security clearance operating above the US President. The exact number depends upon how you name and list the agencies involved and how they interpenetrate and overlap in their covert remits. Thirty nine is the commonly quoted number by insiders who manage to break surface and live. This means that above the knowledge of the US President (any US President), and above the need or ability of US Presidential access, are thirty nine levels of meetings, papers, operations and facilities about which the incumbent of the Oval Office is kept in complete, tightly-managed ignorance.
This is not about plausible deniability, or setting up structures which enable plausible deniability. It about the fact that the Western cabal uses American heads of state and their administrations as media players to gull the populace. In Western "democracy", as currently constituted, the politicians are merely hired actors working to a media agenda written by others for the benefit of a largely unseen transnational corporate élite.
But all this is beginning to break down as the money runs out in the West. George Soros, for example, is beginning to feel the heat of legal due process in connection with his financial interference in US government business. The UK-France public row over the EuroZone's chaos-financing indicates an accelerating fragmentation of Western cabal organisation. German banks face an imminent market meltdown. Commerzbank is now a basketcase for emergency nationalisation and breakup.
In Asia the rolling up of the Western cabal's power bases is proceeding apace. On Saturday 17th December 2011, the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, a Rothschild puppet, was assassinated by heart attack. There is now a struggle for the succession under way between the Rothschild chosen one, Swiss-educated playboy Kim Jong-un, and a rising military faction which seeks to kick the Western cabal out of the country.
A similar situation is evident in the US where a benevolent military coup in the US becomes more likely by the day as the Pentagon and US intelligence agencies line up against the Washington corporation's anti-Constitutional US Homeland Security apparat.
Still unrecognised by most Western-based international market traders is the significant fact that eighty five percent of the total global gold inventory is held off-market in Asia. Soon this gold is going to be brought on-market through the China South Rare and Precious Metal Exchange. Various figures are cited in connection with the potential value of this 85% gold injection. The lowest valuation is $371 trillion. The gold is held in depositories throughout Asia reported to involve between 125 and 172 separate locations. Among the largest are said to be those in Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Will Asia's financial firework display be the Western cabal's execution bonfire?
More global background here (31.12.11), here (29.12.11), here (28.12.11), here (28.12.11), here (22.12.11), here (22.12.11), here (20.12.11), here (20.12.11), here (12.12.11), here (05.12.11), here (30.11.12), here (28.11.11), here (24.11.11), here (23.11.11) and here (21.11.11).
Picture: Skull & Bones. Novum Ordinem Senum. 322=US=0 ; 322≠USA
Picture: Skull & Bones. Mellita, domi adsum et in ultimo mortis cruciatus.
Pentagon now working in active coordination with American patriot militias and intelligence agencies to achieve lawful and orderly régime change in US
The desperation of the old Skull and Bones syndicate enmeshed in the Constitutionally illegal Washington DC private corporation became nakedly visible at the end of November 2011.
In political wheeling and dealing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday 29th November, an amendment (SA-1107) to The National Defense Authorization Act (S-1867), sponsored by Senator Mark Udall (Colorado - Democrat), was voted down by sixty US Senators. The purpose of the amendment was to change the wording in a section of S-1867 sponsored by John McCain and Carl Levin called Subtitle D of Title X (Detainee matters).
Mark Udall's amendment would have introduced a rubric prohibiting the inclusion of American citizens living on American soil from being eligible for inclusion on US military roundup and abduction lists.
The current version of the bill now being debated will allow any "suspicious" person chosen by a secret panel authorized by the US President, to be arrested extrajudicially by US military personnel, taken to Guantanamo Bay (or any other offshore military installation), interrogated and detained there indefinitely without due process of law.
Many of the American patriot militias which have been organising locally since the passage of the anti-Constitutional Patriot Act of 2001, are supported and trained by US military veterans, and some number in the tens of thousands. The Pentagon and the US intelligence agencies, which now seek the abolition of the Washington DC private corporation and the return to American Constitutional governance, are working closely with the militias to achieve US régime change peacefully through legal channels.
Picture: Eric Holder - Crispy barbecue on Pennsylvania Avenue?
The prevailing view inside the Beltway is that Eric Holder is the most corrupt and sinister Attorney General the US has yet seen.
When in October 2011, the Murdoch mainstream media started going for Holder in connection with the Fast-and-Furious probe, the gameboard changed decisively.
The US Pentagon and international law enforcement agencies, working in active sympathy with the Monaco Accords, came to the view that Holder had to be cleared out of the way, before Barack Obama and his senior administration officials could be impeached for treason.
Apart from the élite deceptions swirling around Obama's fake American birth qualification and the exact provenance of his stolen Connecticut Social Security Number, law enforcement fury could not be contained with regard to the US President's barely-concealed slush funds at the Vatican Bank and Banco Santander in Europe.
On Thursday 8th December 2011, at 9.30am in the 2141 Rayburn House Office Building, a full hearing of the House Judiciary Committee considered Eric Holder's continuing position at the US Department of Justice. Already, fifty two House members, two Senators, four presidential candidates and two sitting governors have demanded his resignation.
More here (31.01.12), here (30.01.12), here (08.12.11), here (08.12.11), here (05.12.11), here (05.12.11) and here (04.12.11).
Covert support emerges for Pakistan's embattled Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence
Picture: Veena Malik - covert support emerges for Pakistan's embattled ISI
Picture: Confronting American Thought Crime; Defending the 1st Amendment.
Picture: Tehran burning. I am your Queen. Give me your money, my subjects.
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