
Sunday, August 5, 2007

Romanian UFO pictures - 30th July 2007

Posted by Unknown at 11:07 AM
Page update:18.08.07

These UFO pictures were taken over a wooded mountain in the Ceahlau Massif near Durau, western Moldavia, Romania, at 8.00pm on Monday 30th July 2007.

This UFO was unusual in that it seemed to keep its long axis vertical as it flew. It also appeared to have a bipartite structure with a deep groove running down the length of its fuselage. In the pictures below it showed up as being bright golden and red in colour.

There are three still images here, here and here.
And there are three video clips here (2 mins), here (3 mins) and here (3mins).

It appears that the same UFO, or a similar one, was sighted over the city of Poznań in west-central Poland in April or May 2007. There is a 50 second videoclip of this one here. It was put on YouTube on Tuesday 1st May 2007.

Sources: Romanian UFOnetwork,
OZN Romania and ProTV (Bucharest, Romania).


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