
Sunday, April 24, 2005

God Bless America

Posted by Unknown at 12:23 AM
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Thank you, America,
For your leadership.

Thank you for Kosovo.
Thank you for Afghanistan.
Thank you for Iraq.
Thank you for Iran.
Thank you for North Korea.
Thank you for Israel.
Thank you for Syria.

Thank you for your support
Of the United Nations.
Thank you for your support
Of Zionism.
Thank you for your support
Of the military-industrial complex.
Thank you for your support
Of Lebanon
By getting the CIA to murder
Rafiq Hariri.

Thank you for your hamburgers.
Thank you for your soft drinks.
Thank you for logging the rainforests.
Thank you for the holes in the ozone layer.
Thank you for your greenhouse gases.
Thank you for Kyoto.
Thank you for the HAARP antennae in Alaska.
Thank you for AIDS.

Thank you for championing freedom
Without justice.

Thank you for mistaking justice
For expedient legality.

Thank you for your unstable
Banana-republic currency.

Thank you for
Your injurious budget deficit.

Thank you for

Thank you for
Creating Osama bin Laden,
The Saviour of the World.

Thank you for
Creating George Bush,
The Crawford Monkeynut,
And his care-worker,
Coke Dick.

Thank you for
Creating Barack Obama,
The plausible Muslim communist,
And his invisible
Birth certificate.

Thank you for
The death of democracy.

Thank you for
Fucking up
The planet
Since 1989.

One feels, perhaps,
That an opportunity
May have been missed.

God Bless America.


Lost nation

Not immediately apparent

The Ten or Eleven Commandments

Index of blog contents

Spirituality websites worth watching


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